Sankirtan – very very Glorious
“One should not desire to be elevated even to a place in the heavenly planetary systems if it has no propaganda to expand the glories of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, no trace of VaiŠavas, pure devotees of the Lord, and no festivals for spreading Krsna consciousness. It would be better to live perpetually cramped within the airtight bag of a mother’s womb, where one can at least remember the lotus feet of the Lord, than to live in a place where there is no opportunity to remember His lotus feet. I pray not to be allowed to take birth in such a condemned place.” Similarly, in Caitanya-caritamta, Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami says that since Shri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the inaugurator of the sa‰k…rtana movement, anyone who performs sa‰k…rtana to please the Lord is very, very glorious. Such a person has perfect intelligence, whereas others are in the ignorance of material existence. Of all the sacrifices mentioned in the Vedic literatures, the performance of sa‰k…rtana-yajña is the best. SB 5.19.24