Sankirtana Marathon talk by Vijay Prabhu, con’t
So Srila Prabhupada had this ksatriya spirit of fighting Maya and giving out Krsna to the suffering and poverty-stricken souls. This is his mood. He was so touched by the devotees' enthusiasm. At one point, during a class, he started crying and said, "You are helping me so much in this mission to please my spiritual master." He was overwhelmed. So we should understand that we are always giving great pleasure to Krsna and to Srila Prabhupada by going out and preaching.
And of course, by doing this activity, we ourselves make very rapid advancement in Krsna Consciousness, and we are helping conditioned souls. It is an all-around successful program.
Krsna says in the Bhagavad Gita, "Sarva dharman parityajya, Mam ekam saranam vraja," Abandon all types of religion and just surrender unto Me." Two verses later, He defines what this surrender is: "Ya idam paramam guhyam," that those who are preaching this message, they are most dear to Me, and there will never be one more dear to Me than that person." From this statement we can understand how glorious this activity is.
Bhaktisidhanta Sarasvati Thakura said that Krsna Consciousness is the only lack in society. We therefore want to help this Krsna Consciousness movement increase by giving out as many books as we can.
Now we are in the Marathon time. I've noticed that whenever I do the marathon, my understanding of Sankirtana always goes up a notch. It is an opportunity to surrender more, an opportunity to give out more of this knowledge to others, an opportunity to get more absorbed in the mission of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.