Sankirtana Stories

Dear Prabhus,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga!

A few weeks ago we were visiting Tampere Finland on travelling sankirtana. I met an old man, who was in a nice shape and was quite cheerful. He told me he is almost ninety years old.

I asked him whether he had been to the war.

"Not only one but four wars, the Winter War, the Continuation War, the War of Lapland and the War against the British (which they waged during the II world war against Finland)."

I showed him the books, and gave him the 1st canto. I explained some of the contents and he gave me back the book, saying he is not interested in reading.

"But what is that you have there??" he said, pointing to a CD I had in my stack. "Show me!"

He snatched the CD from me. It was a CD by Kashmir, which is very fired up Slovakian metal rock.

"My dear sir, I assure you you won't really like this music! It is metal music." I replied.

"Oh. That's good. I was teaching metal works in school. How much is it??"

The man gave me a ten euro note and I also gave him the 1st canto. He went off happily.

The day was going on as usual. It became a bit heavier and it also started raining. At the end of the day I met a boy (about 20 years old) who I was showing the Science of Self-realisation. He showed some interest but not enough to get the book. He told me he did not have the money.

Then along came a girl with dread locks. She greeted me happily and joined our discussion. I did not know her but she said she had bought the book earlier this year and read it.

"It is a very dangerous book" she said, "because by reading it you will notice how empty your life is."

The boy looked frightened. I, too, was surprised on hearing the girl's realization.

I continued by saying, "That is not bad because first you must see how empty your life is and then you can fill it again with sensible things."

They both accepted. Still, the boy had no money. I said to the girl, "Why don't you pay for the book?"

She seemed ready to do it, but the boy was hesitating "Nooo. It's alright. You don't have to."

I was praying to the Lord in the heart to give this boy a chance to hear Srila Prabhupada's teachings. Everything was uncertain, but then the girl opened her wallet and gave me a ten euro note. Suddenly they boy brightened up considerably.

"Thank you so much!" He was shaking hands with the girl and with me. And off he went with the SSR. I also gave the girl a Sri Isopanisad to thank her for her welfare work.

That's all for now.

Your Servant,

Avadhutacandra Das

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