Sastra Dana in Rijeka, Croatia

Central City Library in Rijeka

Hare Krishna!

Pamho. AgtSP!

Here are some news from Rijeka:

"Few adys ago I was in Central City Library in Rijeka where we before gave a few sets of Srila Prabhupada's books and on the shelves there were only one Bhagavad-gita, one Life come from life and one The Perfection of Yoga. All other books were borrowed to the readers of the library. And these books that were on the book shelves were covered with a sticking ribbon because of often use they were damaged. The pages were yelowish and there were a signs that the books were a lot at reading. For me these were the real results. I'm thankful to Srila Prabhupada because by his mercy we can take part in this wonderful mission and spread the glories of the holy name by distributing his books.

Wishing you all the best,

Your Servant,

Ramani Devi Dasi

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