Science of Self Realization

Science of Self Realization

In Bombay, while distributing books at Colaba,the touristy street in downtown, I came across a nice couple from England. As we spoke, Reuben explained to me that he had already read the "Science of Self Realization." I was amazed at how he began to glorify Srila Prabhupada. He said, "The author of that book, Prabhupada, is so on the ball; he is so intelligent! I especially enjoyed the conversation he had with that French Cardenal. Prabhupada was defeating him left and right!" He went ahead and purchased a Bhagavad Gita.

The very next day, at the same spot, I met a young man from Israel. To my surprise, he also told me that he had read the "Science of Self Realization" and that he had thoroughly enjoyed reading it.

For those who doubt that people read Srila Prabhupada's books, and for those who doubt that Prabhupada's words have very deep effect on the people who read them, the above-mentionned story, and so many others, may convince them otherwise.

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