Senses Out of Control, What to do…..
Hare Krsna,
PAMHO, All glories to guru and Gauranga!
I was attending my son's waterpark outing with his class in Vancouver Canada when I overheard one of the other mothers talking about how she couldn't stop eating some chocolate she had bought the day before. She said she was mad at herself because she had no self control. Later, by Krsna's arrangement she ended up in a chair beside me so I told her that I overhead her conversation and that in our teachings it says that out of all the senses the tongue is the hardest to control. So we talked back and forth about this and I told her that the next time I saw her I would give her the book to read. Well, by Krsna's arrangement, I ran into her a second time and suddenly remembered that I had an extra copy of the gita in my vehicle. She was so surprised when I handed her this somewhat large book that she wanted to know if she had to give it back to me when she was done reading it! I had to convince her that it was hers to keep.
A very nice devotee couple gave me this book a few months back and said I could give it away for them and I was very happy to do just that!
Banke Bihari dasi