Small Sankirtan Story
Dear Sankirtan Devotees! Pamho, agt SP!
I was distributing Srila Prabhupada's books on a parking lot of supermarket in Brno. I approached an old man who went to shop there. When I approached him and showed him the books. He took them into his hands and proudly stated: "Yes, I am a member of the Hare Krsna movement."
I was surprised to hear this so I inquired more. He told me: "I visited your farm in Czech many many years ago. You had a petition to establish the Hare Krsna movement as a bona fide religion approved by the state of Czech, so I signed it. I was also receiving your magazine regularly. But after some time they stopped. I am really sorry that they stopped! I enjoyed it so much. My wife is paralyzed so I can't travel to visit you. I live in a village near Brno, very far away.
I took his phone number and address and he was happy to subscribe to our Nama Hatta magazine. I entrusted the matter to devotees from the temple and they sent him a magazine with a package of Maha Prasadam. Then I called him. The first thing he said was, "Thank you so much! You are really good people! Thank you so much!"
There are so many people like him who are not seen so much but they appreciate us. I still regret that I am not able to give more time to the follow up program.
Sometimes we meet people that are enlivened by the devotees association or a book they received. If we don't follow up, then after some time they forget the experience. Still there are some people, like this man, who keep the experience in their memory for their whole life…positive impressions from meeting with devotees.
Your Servant,
Mayapur Chandrodaya Das.