Something amazing

A Christian couple was asking me lots of questions, and this curious
teenager passing by also wanted to join our conversation. At the end, the
Christian couple prayed for me and left without taking any books. The boy,
however, was impressed with the Krishna philosophy he heard and wanted to
buy books.

His mom came out of a shop, and I congratulated her for raising such a nice
son. She then told me something amazing.

She said that when she was pregnant with this boy, she happened to drive
past the Atlanta Hare Krishna temple, where a huge festival going on. She
and her sister were drawn to the festival, and they went in and ate lots of
sweets. The visiting swami from India blessed her and the child in her womb.
It was the chiddha dahi festival, and she had met Jayapataka Swami and
received profuse blessings. It all came back to her fourteen years later,
when she saw me today. No wonder this boy was drawn to the books and Krishna
philosophy. She  promised to bring her son and come for kirtan this week.

Picture attached.

— Ys, Shastrakrt Dasa

Author: admin

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