Srila Prabhupada Letter to Jagadisa, 15th August 1973

Srila Prabhupada Letter to Jagadisa

“To install Deities in a moving vehicle is not very good. There is always danger of falling and breaking. Sudama already has experience of this. Why is Deity worship being introduced? It should not be introduced because it is very difficult to maintain the standard under such circumstances. If you have picture of Guru- Gauranga that is sufficient. You are wondering if you did the right thing by giving the Deities to Sudama, so the answer is no. The Deities may be brought back and worshipped in the temple as before. The idea of travelling Sankirtana is to distribute books not to do Deity worship, it is very difficult to maintain the standard of Deity worship in the temple, how will it be maintained in a truck?

Another thing is that opening temples should not be encouraged at this time. Subala did the same thing in Santa Fe years ago, why again doing the same thing? Hamsaduta in Germany instead of increasing the temples and Deity worship, he has increased the sankirtana parties. He is running on eight new buses and distributing large quantities of literature, this is more important. Neglectful Deity worship means offence. So make propaganda in this way, but in the bus there should not be Deity worship, simply the picture of Guru Gauranga.

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