Srila Prabhupada Letter to Subala, 31st July 1969
Posted on Jun 8, 2012 in Importance And Results of Book Distribution
“I am glad to learn that the Philadelphians are quickly taking some interest in our Krsna consciousness movement, and you are simply standing on the corner wearing robes and the people come to purchase copies of Back to Godhead. So if you can continue in this way, letting them hear your chanting and selling Back to Godheads then all success is automatically there. I remember that my Guru Maharaja would often send young boys out to sell literature of Krsna consciousness, and if they could come back having sold only a few issues, Guru Maharaja was very, very pleased. Now you report that you have sold 300 issues of Back to Godhead in just a few days, so I know that Guru Maharaja is very, very pleased with your work. Actually, in all of our centers our sankirtana party and Krsna consciousness literature is becoming more and more popular. Perhaps you have heard that Brahmananda has already made arrangements to increase the number of copies printed from 20,000 to 25,000. This is all very encouraging, so continue to increase your sales of Back to Godhead as far as possible. You are a serious worker, and Krsna will reward your efforts with success.”