Stalker or Seeker?
By Banke Bihari Dasi (Burnaby, BC, Canada)
Once while I was out doing books I noticed a man staring at me. He made me so nervous that I was very careful not to make eye contact with him, let alone try to preach to him. He stood near the bus stop — but he never got on a bus! As nightfall approached I couldn't believe he was still standing in the same spot. I kept glancing at him out of the corner of my eye because I thought he was kind of scary.
Then Krsna played a trick on me. I walked over to a man who I thought was someone else, but somehow I ended up right in front of the man I was trying to avoid! I started to panic. I warily lifted up a hard-cover Bhagavad Gita, but before I could speak he said, "You know what?" I thought he was going to blast me, but instead he said, "When I woke up this morning I told the Lord that I wanted to surrender to Him. I think He sent you to me."
I could hardly believe what I just heard. He went on to explain how he had spent so much time trying to make sense of his life but had failed. We talked for a very long time. Then he gave me a nice donation. He said he was leaving the next morning for Alberta to work on the oil rigs and was happy to be able to take the Bhagavad Gita with him.