Start of Marathon

Bazaar streets of Salem

Today is Diwali in Tamilnadu and other Southern states. Devotees of ISKCON always take oportunity of any good festival wherever people gather in mass to distribute Srila Prabhupada's transcendental books for the enlightment of society.

Yesterday, the Bazaar streets of Salem was packed up as like the other cities. Devotees of ISKCON Salem utilized the crowd to push the books.

Diwali book distribution was planned as a initial good start for the upcoming Book distribution Marathon in December. Actually from yesterday, it is started for us. Devotees after being surcharged due to their resent dharsan of Sri Vrindavana Dham, participated with full enthusiasm to save the souls from the miseries of material world.

Marathon started from evening around 5'o clock and went upto 11 pm. Responce was gradually increasing, devotees were getting into the Marathon mood. Result was wonderful, encourgaging, giving faith for the December marathon.

Many have promised to come to temple, read the book, chant Hare Krishna etc. Our program in local TV has its worth, many have recognised me as a speaker in TV and hence purchased Gita, which they were waiting to buy for long time. Some of them were very happy by meeting the devotees personally, as they stay far from city.

Finally we (10 devotees) distributed 121 Mahabig books (104 Bhagavad gitas and 17 Krishna book) and 10 Science of Self-realization. We are very happy to inform all of you about our good start for Marathon.

We request the blessings and prayers from all the devotees for our successful Marathon, as we have our target to double the scores of last year.

Yours in the service of Lord Sri Krishna

Sri Giridhari Dasa

Author: admin

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