Start reading, girl!
We were showing Ella the small books on our table and getting to know her, when she said, “I have actually never read a book in my life.”
We fortunately avoided expressing any dismay at how our culture so criminally deprived such a wonderful young lady of even the basics of a
proper education. She lacked a love for reading, which should be her endowment for life.
Our response was, “Then this has to be the first book you read!”
We gave a brief explanation about how straightforward and heart-impacting the Bhagavad Gita is and told her that it actually makes you smarter as you let your mind pass through it and shows you from within your heart how to read it. She was in total ecstasy as you can see in the photo. Her love for reading has hopefully begun now, with the most auspicious and nectarean start imaginable.
Nitai Chand Dasa and Nama Madhurya Devi Dasi