Sunday Feast Book Distribution

ISKCON New Govardhana temple in Australia

It was a typical Sunday feast in New Govardhana Australia. I sat next to my brother and I gazed over the crowd, hoping to find some nice people to talk to. Directly across from me was a large group of young people. I could read from their age and dress, what their profession was – students.

I picked out a boy, directly in front of me, and started to engage in conversation. He was a psychology and Japanese major, a smart young man. His goal was to help people with his understanding of psychology and with that in mind, he was trying to learn about people's different cultures and religions. He also expressed a love of Buddhism. I took him through the natural movements, from Buddhism I introduced him to jnana, and then to bhakti in a matter of only five minutes. I could tell that the concept of bhakti wasn't all soaking in but he was nodding with great approval. All the while, his five other friends were perking up their ears.

The feast was finished but there was still one thing on my mind – how to get this man a book? I can babble a thousand words but it's all a waste if they don't end up with Srila Prabhupada's books. His friends went to look at the lovely scenery around the courtyards. I encouraged him to tag along with them while I made a brisk walk to my father's car in the back car park. I popped open the trunk. The boxes of holy literature shone with an eminent effulgence. I had so many books to choose from but I had one especially for him. I brought back a hard cover Science of Self Realization. I deliberately wrote my email on a back page in front of him and his friends in case he has questions.

One of the friends also expressed some interest. She asked about our retreat program on the farm, hoping to spend some time here and do some service. Every member of the group was a different nationality. This girl was Indian bodied but was brought up in Australia. One girl, from Sri Lanka, was pondering the front cover of the SSR, trying to remember the name of the blue, four handed and majestic figure presented there. I was shocked she didn't know who Visnu was. "Surely you know about the Ramayana?" I added. She nodded. The Indian girls then asked if there was any deep philosophical meaning behind all these stories. I presumed she had only been exposed to the popular comics.

I mentioned the philosophical discussion of Bhagavad-gita and the far removed, Indian girl was interested. I took two from the group and we went for a walk back to the trunk of my father's car. "Take your pick" I said. They were taken aback by the great storehouse of knowledge. The girl took her Gita and her friend was attracted by the SSR. They also picked up seven Higher Tastes, so they could all start cooking vegetarianism. This philosophy is so wonderful, all you have to do is tell it how it is and the souls natural attraction will awaken. Sure we can't always do this on the streets but if they're gulping down mouthfuls of Prasadam and hearing the holy names in kirtana, sticking Srila Prabhupada's books in their hands is like iron being attracted to a magnet. After submissively inquiring about such matters, how could you refuse such a mighty boon?

Your Servant,

Madhavendra Puri Dasa.

Author: admin

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