Super Boys

Jagannath Baladev Subhadra

After a week of book distribution with Bhrgupati Prabhu at the University of Oregon in Eugene, we traveled north to the Portland temple for the Sunday feast, after being on traveling sankirtan for about three weeks.

At ISKCON Portland there was a kirtan, Bhrgupati gave a talk, and prasada was served. A local devotee, Parama Karuna Dasa, invited us to stay at his home for the next week. His family hosted us nicely and exhibited many good qualities of saintly Vaishnavas.

His two sons, Gopal and Rama, are ten and eight years old, yet they are already well versed in many Vedic scriptures and show a great zeal for rendering devotional service. They also have a strong desire to distribute Srila Prabhupada's books. So, with their parents' encouragement, they joined us at the Portland State University campus.

For two days they observed us distributing, and on the third day, after getting Bhrgupati's coaching, they tried it themselves.

They approached students, one after another, saying "Excuse me! These are books on yoga and meditation. Can you keep the books and give a donation?"

The people loved the two boys and took books aand gave donations. They each distributed about ten books and collected fifty-seven dollars. Gopal and Rama then joined us for the rest of the week and did really great. On one day, Rama distributed over twenty books and collected $114 in just a few hours. By the end of the week they had distributed more than forty big books and collected more than two hundred dollars each!

Bhakta Jacob

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