Looking Through Death’s Eye
by Vijaya dasa I was distributing books in Greece on a street full of restaurants with people sitting and laughing at the tables. In the midst of all this was a Rumanian lady looking at the scene, who had a disturbed look on her face. I walked over to her and asked what was up. She told me that the old man she had been nursing for the last 3 months had just died an hour earlier while looking her right in the eyes. She...
Another Pleasant Surprise on Sankirtan
While visiting Dallas I gave a seminar on book distribution, and afterward some of the devotees from the seminar went out with me to distribute books. There were about fourteen of us. We went door to door in a nice neighborhood. On the front lawn of one house was a sign that read "The Episcopalian House." I thought, "The owner is either a minister or some other member of the clergy, but let's try. By the mercy of...
Book Distribution Lecture by Vijaya Prabhu at Lenasia, South Africa
Book Distribution Lecture by Vijaya Prabhu at Lenasia, South Africa on 16 May 2012 Download
How we came to Krsna Consciousness
Dear Prabhus, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I just received a letter from a devotee that sent one of the stories that I sent on the bds, to a friend, that person he sent the story to was from India but had never read the Bhagavad Gita but after reading the story she became very inspired to read the Bhagavad Gita.This devotee suggested that we compile a book of enlivening stories of how we came to...
Bhagavad Gita Distribution
While distributing in the LA airport I approached a man and showed him the Bhagavad Gita, he immediately lit up with pleasure, as I was showing it to him he became more and more ecstatic hearing about the philosophy and viewing the pictures. When I asked for a donation he enthusiastically gave a very nice donation and then before he left he said, "you know, I teach world history in the university and after I read this I'm...