The Woodford Festival (Australia)
I found out what my health problem was and then started treating it, hoping I would be healthy enough to distribute books at this festival while in Oz. By Krsna's mercy I was 90% better, so I was able to distribute. This festival attracts 60,000 people every year. It lasts six days, and people mostly just camp out the whole time, as we did. Ajita Prabhu (the president of New Govardhana) and his team of seventeen devotees were...
Book Distribution by Vijaya Prabhu, Auckland
Audio lecture on book distribution by His Grace Vijaya Prabhu at Denver on 18 Dec 2011 Download
Reading and Distributing Srila Prabhupada’s Books
Recently, while reading the Bhagavad-gita before going out on book distribution at a local university in LA, I read these two sentences from the purport to 2.47: "One who is attached to the result of his work is also the cause of the action. Thus he is the enjoyer or the sufferer of the result of such actions." So while on book distribution I meditated on this reality and prayed to Krsna that I be allowed to just work for...
Even Atheist Distributes Srila Prabhupada Books
A guy came to my table and said, “Three years ago you showed me the Bhagavad-gita and I really wanted it and told you I would be back to get it. When I returned you were gone. But now I have money I would like to get it.” Delayed book distribution. I was showing the BG to one gentleman, he expressed his interest but said he was a Christian. He said, “If you can show me in this book where Jesus is praised...
Warming Up Before the Prabhupada Marathon
I was distributing at Pierce College in Los Angeles. It was slow — very slow. Hardly any books were going out. It's been quite some time since I've been able to go on book distribution (health problems), so it was nice to be out on the front lines again. But this was not what I expected. So I decided to save my energy for the next day. As I was leaving, a student came to me and asked, "What are these books...