The Prabhupada Marathon

The Prabhupada Marathon

By Vijaya dasa Not too far away is the Prabhupada Marathon. Years ago it was a time when devotees all over the would prepare themselves to go out of their way to do what is so pleasing to Srila Prabhupada, distributing books. Still there are hundreds of devotees that are gearing up for the Marathon and will work enthusiastically to distribute as many as they can. But for most devotees it’s a nostalgic part of their life, the...

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Prabhupada Marathon

Prabhupada Marathon

By Vijaya Dasa Dear Vaisnavas, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! That most auspicious time of the year, the Prabhupada Marathon, is coming to us very soon. The Prabhupada Marathon is total bliss. Why? Because this sankirtan movement is as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, “anandambudhi vardanam” it is an ever expanding ocean of bliss. It’s an oportunity to imerse ourselves in giving...

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“Sorry, in a hurry, no time.”

“Sorry, in a hurry, no time.”

Hari bol Prabhus, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Practically every day we experience people replying to us when we approach them: "Sorry, I'm in a hurry; no time." There's not much to say to people when they respond in this way. But a devotee in Ireland, Ananta Nitai Prabhu, gave the royal reply. Ananta approached a man, and that predicatable response came out of the man's...

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Book Distribution in Moscow

Book Distribution in Moscow

Cell Phone Blues Every sankirtan dreads a cell-phone call to the person he's talking to. We've all experienced it: 99% of the time, the chance of the person getting a book is over. But not for Acala Prabhu. While in Moscow, I heard from Acala about a nice experience he'd had the day before while on sankirtan. "I was distributing a book to someone and his cell-phone rang. He answered it and was talking for a minute or...

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Book Distribution is taxies and What will this book teach me?

Book Distribution is taxies and What will this book teach me?

Devotees undergoing Brahmacari training in Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Mandir, Chowpatty, do book distribution five days in a week. To catch the local train from Grant Road station they take a cab from the temple and also return by cab. The journey is short and the fare is minimal, and traveling by cab saves energy, which enables them to distribute for a longer time. During the short journey sometimes wonderful events take place. The taxi...

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