Lecture by Vijay Prabhu, Mayapur festival 2005

Lecture by Vijay Prabhu, Mayapur festival 2005

Lecture by Vijay Prabhu, Mayapur festival 2005 So, I would like to welcome everyone to our 1st book distribution seminar. Tomorrow the seminar will not be here, because we will have the book distribution award ceremony in the main tent. There will be three sannyasis speaking their realizations about book distribution, and there will be awards given out to book distributors. One thing I wanted to discuss is the importance of book...

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The Guide of all devotees

The Guide of all devotees

I was distributing in the airport and it was becoming very frustrating, no one would take a book. Then I started to chant a verse that usually comes to mind during these times:                        tat te 'nukampmˆ susamiksamano                       bhunjmna evmtma-kritam vipmkam        ...

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Thank you!

Thank you!

Dear exalted Prabhu's, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I want to thank you all for your participation in the Prabhupada Marathon commemorating the 108th appearance of Srila Prabhupada. I'm sure there were many wonderful moments exchanged with the conditioned souls as well as some trying times. That we go on year after year during the hard times and the nectar times is a sign of love, and a...

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While I was distributing yesterday another devotee came and started distributing with me, without me knowing, he put some of his books on my box so when I pulled my books out to go to another spot his books fell to the floor. Immediately a man bent down to pick them up and respectfully handed them to me. I said, "thank you", and then handed him the Bhagavad Gita. I asked if he was from India. "No, I'm from...

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Los Angeles Marathon news

Los Angeles Marathon news

Dear devotees, the Marathon here in LA is fully on, Brghupati Prabhu yesterday distributed 112 big Bhagavad Gita's and 75 big books, he's our inspiration. Although he's 52 years old, he has so much energy you would tink he is 19, he's in transendental samadhi. Then there's Dvarakesh das from South India who has only been distributing for the past 8 months, every day for the past 3 days of the marathon has been...

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