The Marathon
Dear Prabhu's, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Happy are the Sankirtan devotees to whom such Prabhupada Marathon's come unsought, opening for them the doors to the spiritual world. Arjuna didn't want to fight in the Battle of Kuruksetra, but Krsna knew what was best for him and the rest of society and thus He instructed him on the art of surrender. Distributing transcendental knowledge...
A Little help from our friends
Pocatello, Idaho While distributing at Idaho State University I was speaking to one student about the Bhagavad Gita, while I was speaking to him a lady came up to us after seeing the Bhagavad Gita and told the student, "This is a great book, my Grandfather read it because Thoreau and Emerson whom my Grandfather had a great deal of respect for, had so much appreciation for it. After he read it he gave it to my father and he told...
Christians Get the Mercy
While distributing at the Los Angeles airport I approached a man and handed him the Bhagavad-gita. "I've heard of this. I sponsor Christian preachers going to India to preach to Hindus about Christianity," he said. I replied, "Oh, really. Well, this book will give you some idea of the beliefs of the Hindus. Although this is the most important book of India and the Hindus, it is different than Hinduism. Hinduism is...
From Madhu Mangal Prabhu
Dear Prabhus, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to SriLos Angeles Prabhupada! I just received a letter from a devotee that sent one of the stories that I sent on the bds, to a friend, that person he sent the story to was from India but had never read the Bhagavad Gita but after reading the story she became very inspired to read the Bhagavad Gita.This devotee suggested that we compile a book of enlivening stories of how...
Srila Prabhupada’s 2003 December Book Distribution Marathon nectar!
Dear Vijaya Prabhu, Please accept my humble obeisance's, all glories to your Guru Maharaja, all glories to our most beloved Srila Prabhupada, all glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga, all glories to the sankirtan devotees of the Lord! I am eager to hear more reports of Srila Prabhupada's transcendental 2003 December Book Distribution Marathon in other parts of the world. I would also like to here reports from countries like,...