The Mayapura Festival
Dear Prabhu's, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Quite a bit is happening this year in Sri Dhama Mayapura. Most notably of course is the instillation of the Panca Tattva. Thousands of devotees are here. Naru Gopal Prabhu one of the main managers told me 7,500 devotees registered for the festival and many more expected. The instillation ceremony last three days, part of it is when Their Lordships...
Preaching to Please the acharya
Dear prabhu's, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I recently visited New Zealand and while there I went to the centers that I heard were very successful in the loft preaching and I must say that I'm very impressed. So many nice young devotees have come out of this type of preaching. Srila Prabhupada said we should tax our brains to figure out how to attract people to Krsna consciousness....
Sankirtana Marathon talk by Vijay Prabhu, con’t
So Srila Prabhupada had this ksatriya spirit of fighting Maya and giving out Krsna to the suffering and poverty-stricken souls. This is his mood. He was so touched by the devotees' enthusiasm. At one point, during a class, he started crying and said, "You are helping me so much in this mission to please my spiritual master." He was overwhelmed. So we should understand that we are always giving great pleasure to Krsna and...
RVC Sankirtana Story
Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada, Dear Vijaya Prabhu, Here's a story from Rupanuga Vedic College in Kansas City, Your Servant, Eero Bhakta Jesse @ Rupanuga Vedic College Kansas City, Missouri writes….. It was mid October. I was distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books in front of a gas station on Troost, which is a good spot for teenagers. I saw a young man smoking a cigarette, and...
Uncle Kamsa
In the early 1970s devotee-teams of matajis used to do traveling sankirtan. One of these devotees was Ananga Manjari dd. She relates a story that once happened at a fair. She and three other women were at a fair, and there one man was bothering two of the matajis by telling people not to give a donation. So they went to Ananga Manjari to ask what to do. She told them to go to another spot and she would try to deal with the problem....