Give up Suffering

Give up Suffering

I recently remembered an incident that happened a few years ago in New york. I was on a japa walk with Jayadvaita Swami, we had just left the Broklin temple when a police car pulled up next to us, one of the policemen asked, "hey what do ya have to give up to become a Hare Krsna". Jayadvaita Swami replied, "You have to give up suffering! "Well that sounds good" "And if you want to know more about it then...

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An Amazing Thing Happened

An Amazing Thing Happened

I was distributing at Venice Beach in LA, it was one of those necter days when you meet a lot of nice people and they happily take a book and give a donation. Then to top it off when I got back to the Temple a devotee approached me and asked if he could have a word with me. He went on to tell me a pretty amazing event that took place. A few guru-kulies and one friend of there's who wasn't a devotee but liked to hang around the...

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Book Distribution in London

Book Distribution in London

Hare Krsna Prabhu's, I don't think there's another temple in the world that has the facilities for book distribution like that of London. You walk out of the temple make a left, walk one minute and there's tens of thousands of people walking up and down Oxford Street. Due to the compassion of the sankirtan devotees many of these souls are receiving the mercy of Lord Caitanya. There's twelve devotees that go to...

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Santipur Festival and Mayapur Brhat Mrdanga presentation

Santipur Festival and Mayapur Brhat Mrdanga presentation

Hare Krsna Prabhus, Yesterday was the annual Santipur prasadam distribution festival which commemorates the disappearance of Madhavendra Puri. Jayapataka Swami said it was the biggest ever, nine tons of prasad was distributed to over thirty thousand residents of the Dhama, it is said that if anyone distributes prasad on this day they achieve love of God. The day before the Santipur festival all of the devotees had a maha harinam at...

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Pleasantly Surprised, by Vijaya Prabhu

Pleasantly Surprised, by Vijaya Prabhu

I was standing on the sidewalk looking for a fortunate soul to receive the mercy when a man came up from behind me and asked if I knew where he could purchase the Bhagavad Gita I had in my hand. I was a pleasantly surprised since it's usually us approaching them. So I told him that today was his lucky day since he could get one right here from me. Then HE was pleasantly surprised since he thought I was the owner of the book, he...

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