Hare Krsna
Dear Vaisesika prabhu & Sarvatma prabhu, I read both your comments and thought they were good points. But, as both of you have distributed books with tilak and sikha showing and not showing I also have, and personally I can say my consciousness was much better with tilak and Sikha showing. I even have found that I distriute more books with tilak. This last summer I was distributing in Boston, all the seasoned book distributers...
Something to learn from
Dear Prabhus, Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada. I just received some good news from Hrdaya Caitanya Prabhu about Bhakta Steve. He is now conscious and the doctors said he'll be out of intensive-care soon. I think there is something that we can all learn from this incident with Bhakta Steve. This material world as we all know is a dangerous place, therefore we should be more cautious when were out...
Hari Hari
I was distributing Bhagavad Gita's at a Phish concert in Hartford Conneticut (pretty wild scene, everyone is intoxicated except for the devotees and the fly's, actually the devotees were also intoxicated but of a different type, the mercy of Gaura Nitai). At the end of the day a few devotees and myself were standing around the van on our way to leave when a ticket scalper walked by some distance away and shouted," ANYONE...
The Doctor Gets the Mercy
I recently heard from a devotee how he came to Krsna consciousness, it's kind of interesting so I thought I'd share it. This person was in medical school when he found a "raja vidya" that his brother had recieved from a devotee. From reading raja vidya he decided he needed to read the Bhagavad Gita, which he found in the university library, he read it and found it interesting but not enough to give up his medical...