“Book Distributors Should Go to the Mayapur Festival” — Srila Prabhupada
Hare Krsna Prabhus, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. The new book on book distribution, called "The Brhat Mrdanga," is now in the editing stage. Dravida Prabhu is editing it. Along with all the wonderful stories and realizations of devotees, I want to have pictures of senior devotees distributing books. In the middle of the picture section I'd like to have one picture of as many book...
Book Distribution in Ukraine
Yesterday after a seminar I gave at the annual maha festival in Russia I asked if any of the Sankirtan devotees had any stories they would like to share, so one devotee told us of this incident: He was going door to door in one posh office complex in South Ukraine, when he went to one office he met a man that was very interested in reading the books. He was going through a change in his life, he wanted to know about God, and give up...
Book distribution in Slovenia
Recently I was in Ljubljana, Slovenia. They have a very nice team of sankirtan devotees dedicated to distributing Srila Prabhupada's books. I asked one of the sankirtan devotees Lamancita Prabhu, the sankirtan leader how he joined. He said, "When I was in school my physical education coach started talking to me about Krsna and the philosophy. He gave me some books, and I found them a little interesting. The next year I was...
The Loft
Dear prabhu's, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I recently visited New Zealand and while there I went to the centers that I heard were very successful in the loft preaching and I must say that I'm very impressed. So many nice young devotees have come out of this type of preaching. Srila Prabhupada said we should tax our brains to figure out how to attract people to Krsna consciousness....
The Fish and the walrus: from Aisvarya das
Vijaya Prabhu has been very persuasive in encouraging me to write something on this forum for the pleasure of the Vaisnavas. My appreciation and respect for Vijaya Prabhu is very deep and now that he has gone global – diligently working to inspire, motivate and increase sankirtan even in the farthest reaches of our negativity and indifference to the Lord’s mission – my respect for him increases unlimitedly....