Thank you notes from Joey and J. Davis to Tusta Krsna das in the USA
Hare Krsna
I started to read the Science of Self Realization. I must inform you that I feel greatly blessed that these books are available in English in this life. I'm only one chapter into The Science of Self Realization and I feel like A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada's teaching are exactly what all of humanity must read. It all makes so much sense. Please let me know when and where you are chanting. My friend Mike and I are going to Chicago to the international center in a few weeks. I actually was at Potter Horn Park, that park with the lake when I met you. What a wonderous event. I gave Chant and Be Happy to Mike to read and then there is already a long list of friends that are going to read it next. It truly adds meaning. Thank you so much, thank you, thank you, thank you:)
Hare Krsna
Hare Krsna
I have only a few pages left in Chant and Be Happy. I burned the Hare Krsna Mantra single and have been listening to it nearly non-stop. I want to get the album. I would like to join you in kirtana. I know several others who would love to drum and chant. If you could email me back and let me know when you are chanting together. I also would like to donate money and get another copy or two of the Chant and Be Happy book for my family and friends to read. Well I have much more to say and much more to learn. Oh yeah, I was the kid who was wearing the beads on my neck and I had no money so my friend covered for me. I am going to a drum circle at the Twisted Groove tonight at 10:00. I'm for sure going to be chanting. Hare Krsna.
J. Davis