The best people in the whole universe


Madhuyamrta and I were on Cuba Street on Sunday afternoon before SoulFeast.

As we were walking to our spot, I saw two traveller-type boys. I said to Madhuyamrta that we should invite them to come along.

Although too shy to do it myself, I urged her to go and invite them (ha ha). So we gave them flyers, and they were so friendly and excited to come!

When they came, Isvari-Keshavi said to me, "Wow! Ariel and I saw those boys on the street today and we were saying how they should come to SoulFeast, though we didn't get the opportunity to invite them."

Just see how merciful the devotees are, always meditating on how to bring people closer to Krishna.

When I shared this story with the two boys, who also came with a third friend, they agreed that they were all meant to be at Bhakti Lounge that evening. They were asking Vamsidhari & me insightful questions and expressed time and again how they relished the whole experience, especially Krishnaloka's "knock-out feast" and her blissful 3rd kirtan with Krishna-Prasad.

At SoulFeast Michaelle (Italian from Germany) took Bhagavad-gita and Chant and Be Happy and the other boys each took one of the new Enough magazines.

One of the boys, Ramin, was telling Vamsidhari and me how he had met someone "with a bald head showing these books on Queen Street and was going to go to the Loft program, but some people back at his hostel had discouraged him from "hanging out with the Hare Krishnas". Ramin had heard the name Hare Krishna and had also seen some devotees in Germany, and he was curious, but he didn't have an opinion about them, so he was deterred by these comments and didn't attend the Loft program. After coming to Bhakti Lounge, though, he said "Now I'm certain that the Hare Krishnas are the best people in the whole universe!!"

The boys were leaving for the South Island on the following Friday, but they eagerly attended Wednesday kirtan at Bhakti Lounge and left Wellington with Srila Prabhupada's books, mantra cards and eternal credits in their spiritual bank accounts.

Your Servant,

Author: admin

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