The Hare Krsna movie does it again

Recent encounter in Union Sqaure NY.
I meet this nice guy named Rob, he came over to the table and was really appreciative of everything we were doing and told me he had all of Prabhupada’s books.
I became interested and asked how he had gotten them and what got him started. Then he told me, “two years ago my friend invited me to go see the Hare Krishna Movie, I was so impressed with this movement that after that I began chanting and attending the temple programs.” I told him I had a special set of books that throughly explained Prabhupada’s life and he happily took the Lilamrta set.
He now regularly attends the Thursday night Kirtans at Bhakti center and stops by the Harinam in the Park.
Attached is a picture of him and me.
Your humble servant,
Gopal Campu dasa