The Joy of Book Distribution

Coachella music festival

I exerted a little extra effort one night at the Coachella music festival (stayed out till midnight) in California. I got up at 4am to finish my rounds and do a morning program to have a charge for the day. When I finished my rounds I took a little rest and had this "dream".

Prabhupada's murti was there and I affectionately touched him on the shoulder. He moved in a surprised way and looked at me. I was stunned that he (the murti) moved and I asked Prabhupada if everything was all right. He said, "Yes." and got up off his chair. I was in ecstacy, I took advantage of this opportunity and asked him how I could serve him. There were people all around, like on sankirtan.

He said "Could you please stop someone so I can preach to them". He said this with such innocence and purity, almost like a cry from the heart. I tried stopping a couple of people with no success. I told Prabhupada that it easier for me to approach people that are already stopped. So we went to someone standing around. This person saw me, recognized me from before, and said "I want your 'Quest For Enlightenment book.' He gave me some change and I gave him the book. I then asked him if he would like to talk with an incredible spiritual master. He looked at me funny. I then looked around to find Prabhupada and couldn't find him anywhere.

From this "dream" I realized that Prabhupada is in his books. That he is in his words. And that above everything (at least for me) he really wants me (us) to distribute these books.

Sankirtan never is dry.

Wishing you all the best.

Your Servant,

Paramesvara Das

Author: admin

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