The Mercy of Srila Prabhupada
Hare Krsna, Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
It's summer time and one of the best places to distribute Prabhupadas books are camping music festivals. I recently distributed at Electric Forest in Rothbury, Michigan. Here is a brief summary of one nice experience I had at the festival. It was our last day of distribtion, most people had seen us already and many had even gotten Prabhupadas books. I approached one young guy walking and immediately he reciprocated with me by , thanking me for the book I gave him a couple days earlier. "Hey man, thanks so much for giving me that book! I read that "Dharma, the way of transendence" book that you gave me, its amazing! I LOVE how your spiritual master wrote it! I can't believe you know him personally!" Without hesitating I handed him a Bhagavad Gita and a Srimad Bhagavatam 1.1 . He said, "Thanks, but I already have a Bhagavad Gita." I said, "Yes, but you don't have Prabhupada's Bhagavad Gita. You have to read Prabhupada's translation." He couldn't help but to agree with me and enthusiastically he gave me a $20 donation. This was a nice story that glorifies Prabhupada. I had many beautiful encounters like this and distributed hundreds of Prabhupadas books. Everything only took place by Prabhupada's mercy and this story is my offering to him glorifying him for his wonders. I constantly glorify Prabhupada while distributing his books. I tell people he is a master mind, a pure geniius, a spiritual scientist..or for people who are a lite bit more sophisticated I just tell them the truth..he is a self realized master in the art of Bhakti yoga ! The service of book distribution is very blissful and very rewarding, I am so greatful to have the propensity to serve Prabhupadas mission in the service of book distribution. All glories to the sankirtan movement.
Your Servant,
Bhakta Tyler. U.S.A.