The mystical direct mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Jesus

I returned to Reading today, where I met Noddy, aged 83. Having successfully stopped him in his tracks, I introduced him to the Bhagavad Gita. I explained that it contains the oldest sacred writings known to man. This
attracted Noddy’s interest, and he was fascinated by our scriptures, wanting to know more. We spoke for some time whilst I expanded on the essence of the teachings.

Noddy revealed that his wife had passed away three years ago and he still feels incomplete without her. Although being a Christian, he said he is amenable to the prospect of deepening his faith and felt the Bhagavad Gita
would aid his spiritual desire.

Before he left, he requested another copy of the Bhagavat Gita to give as a Christmas present to his friend who had previously traveled to India.

An hour or so later he returned and requested yet another copy. He explained that after our meeting he went to church and whilst he was praying to Jesus,he somehow felt inspired to share our encounter with the lady sat beside him. Coincidentally, when he showed her the Bhagavad Gita, she immediately said she had been seeking a copy for some time and enquired where I was standing. Noddy, being the perfect gentleman, gifted it to her and said he was happy to personally come to see me again to get another copy – a great example of selfless (book distribution) service.

Moreover, he wanted to tell me that he felt “Jesus was leaving breadcrumbs for him” and he was guided to stop and take the books from me. He said he knows this is a calling from Jesus to read the Bhagavad Gita.

It was a moment that filled me with goosebumps. I imparted how fortunate and blessed I was to have been used as an instrument by both Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Jesus in distributing three Bhagavad Gita’s to him. Equally, I emphasized how fortunate and blessed he was to have this exceptionally rare opportunity to be given transcendental knowledge in the most latter
years of his life.

As we all know nothing is a coincidence. It appears this was the direct mercy of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Jesus. The mysticism of book distribution never ceases.

Thank you, Srila Prabhupada, for allowing me to engage in this intimate service, even though I am so unqualified. This is your endless mercy!

Gurushakti Dasi

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