The power of the holy name

Holy Name

While talking to a doctor during book distribution in Nelore, I saw a man standing a little distance away. After giving nine books to the doctor, I approached the man.

His friend said, "No, no!" before I could even open my mouth to speak.

I requested the first man to say Hare Krishna just once. That one-time Hare Krishna from his mouth led him to ask where I came from and what I was doing. Then, introducing myself, I started preaching to them. Of the two, the one who chanted, named Dasharath Ram, was interested. He said that he is worshiper of Lord Shiva and performs some austerity for two months each year.

I tried to preach to him, and finally he asked where to obtain knowledge. Wow! Here was the opportunity to introduce Srila Prabhupada's books to him.

He told me about his interest in praying, but said that his wife has no interest at all in God. He gave me five hundred rupees, and I gave him twenty-one books.

He happily invited devotees for sankirtana in his house. After inviting him to the temple, I went away realizing that just by his chanting Hare Krishna once, all good fortune arose. That is the power of the holy names.

Your servant,

Author: admin

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