The Prabhupada Marathon

Vijaya Das

By Vijaya dasa

Not too far away is the Prabhupada Marathon. Years ago it was a time when devotees all over the would prepare themselves to go out of their way to do what is so pleasing to Srila Prabhupada, distributing books. Still there are hundreds of devotees that are gearing up for the Marathon and will work enthusiastically to distribute as many as they can.

But for most devotees it’s a nostalgic part of their life, the good old days. We all, both young and old devotees, know how valuable Prabhupada’s books are. They are still changing peoples lives and they will continue doing so for thousands of years. On that note I want to beg all the devotees on PAMHO to do some book distribution during this Prabhupada Marathon. There are approximately 4000 devotees on PAMHO. If all 4000 devotees could distribute 30 books during the month of December that would be 120,000 books distributed for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada! That’s a book a day, the month of December is the marathon for most temples. Thirty books is not much, but if a large number of devotees do it it becomes a big number.

December 15th is World Enlightenment day, it’s a Saturday so that could be the day you could go out and do all 30 books. Or if you find it to be too difficult, then give them away to people you know, or donate them to a sankirtan devotee to give to others.

I was inspired to write this after reading a statement by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu in Adi Lila Ch 9 text 36, “Therefore I order every man within this universe to accept this Krsna consciousness movement and distribute it everywhere.” Then in verse 39 He said,”Distribute this Krsna consciousness movement all over the world. Let people eat these fruits and ultimately become free from old age and death.”

This is the desire of Lord Caitanya and all the great Acaryas, so let’s cooperate to make this a grand Prabhupada Marathon.

Your servant, Vijaya dasa

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