The Secure Position
As far as the members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness are concerned, they have sacrificed everything to push on this Krsna consciousness movement. Yet they must take a lesson from the life of Bharata Maharaja to be very cautious and to see that not a single moment is wasted in frivolous talk, sleep or voracious eating. Eating is not prohibited, but if we eat voraciously we shall certainly sleep more than required. Sense gratification ensues, and we may be degraded to a lower life form. In that way our spiritual progress may be checked at least for the time being. The best course is to take the advice of Srila Rupa Gosvami avyartha-kalatvam [Cc. Madhya 23.18-19]. We should see that every moment of our lives is utilized for the rendering of devotional service and nothing else. This is the secure position for one wanting to return home, back to Godhead.
SB 5.8.29