The Supreme Community Work…
Book distribution is never stagnant. Given enough creative freedom and encouragement, even a new devotee can device innovative strategies yielding tremendous result. One such event happened with Bh Amit (name changed on request) of Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Mandir, Chowpatty. He recalls: One day I tried a famous shopping mall in south Mumbai. I went with 25 Bhagavad Gitas and Krsna books and went inside the mall. The moment I began showing books, two security personal closed in on me. "Please forgive me," I said, "but my Hindi is very weak, because I am from London."
They were taken aback and in broken English replied, "That's ok. But what are you doing here?"
"Oh I am giving these books as gifts. Here, you take one."
I gave them each a copy and then for next three hours, they did not bother me.
People coming from the mall were all from upper class of society. I stopped them and introduced myself, "Hey, I am from London. I am doing some community work in India. Today I met so many nice people. India is the best place."
Then I would ask what they did, how life in India was.
I would explain my community work-book distribution. "Here is one book that my guru gave me. My guru told me, 'never do ill to people.' India has so many people that need help; not just the poor. Every year we go out and tell people what we do. We feed poor students, have schools, give medical service etc."
I would say different things to different people. If a couple came, I would give the man Bhagavad Gita and the woman Krsna book, saying that it was about loving relationships.
I would give them the book and ask, "If you like you can give a small donation." Just two people refused.
Then I ran out of books, but I was so happy that I continued. I would show the book and then open my bag and say, "Oh! I am so sorry, I just ran out books. Would you mind paying me a token donation and I will give you the book tomorrow?"
Many agreed. Not one, not two, not ten, not twenty-but 55 of them! They gave me their phone numbers or their cards. I called all of them and the next day went with the books. 53 came and picked up the books. Two came the day after. One man invited me to his shop for talking. I began book distribution when I was 16. Now I am 25. On my first day, I stood in the snow of London from 9 am in morning until 8 in evening and only in the last minute could I distribute the sole book of the day.