The Vrndavana Book Distribution Seminars

Bhagavat gita

By Bhrgupati Prabhu

There is a sentence in the Bhagavad Gita that is very inspiring to me whenever I read it, it goes as follows: When Krsna wants to do something, simply by His willing everything is performed so perfectly that one cannot imagine how it is being done". Sometimes we want to perform some service such as distributing books and it may be difficult but if we are sincere then Krsna will help in an amazing way, as book disstributors experience all the time. We could take a picture of all the devotees that are distributing books and use this sentence as the caption above the devotee.

I had a realization recently here in Vrndavana. I didn't need to come to this festival. I'll tell you why. When I'm on sankirtan what I do in between talking to people is I chant the Panca-Tattva mantra. So when devotees heard that the Panca-Tattva was being installed they came up to me and said I have to go to the instillation because they all know that the Panca-Tattva is my main meditation. So I was thinking about it and so many devotees wanted me to go that I decided to go. But last night I was reading in the book "Namamrta" where it is stated that the name, form, pastimes, etc. are all absolute. So by chanting the names of the Panca-Tattva one is already connected to the form of the Lord. Then I started to think, "I've been installing the Panca-Tattva for thirty years. By giving people books we're installing the Panca-Tattva in the hearts of the condictioned souls.

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