The Woodford Festival (Australia)


I found out what my health problem was and then started treating it, hoping I would be healthy enough to distribute books at this festival while in Oz. By Krsna's mercy I was 90% better, so I was able to distribute.

This festival attracts 60,000 people every year. It lasts six days, and people mostly just camp out the whole time, as we did. Ajita Prabhu (the president of New Govardhana) and his team of seventeen devotees were there to feed prasadam to the masses. They distributed thousands of plates of prasadam, and the people loved it.

Ajita arranged for a book booth right next to Govinda's, our prasadam tent. I distributed from a table in this booth. The people were really receptive. The first day I spoke to a family consisting of a husband, his wife, and their ten-year-old son. The man was interested, and then I heard from the son: "I know the Bhagavad-gita. I've read all the translations to the verses, and now I'm going back to read the purports." I was of course surprised and happy to hear of this young lad's attraction to Krsna, so I gave him my e-mail address in case he had any questions. Then his father, seeing his son so impressed by the Gita, got one for himself, .

An hour later I again spoke to a father and son. I could see that the father was not into the book (he just wanted to go) but that the son was showing interest. So I gave my attention to him, and when I asked for a donation he said to his father: "I would like to read this. Can you get it for me?" The father then very reluctantly gave a donation, and the fortunate boy got the mercy.

Later I spoke to a man who was interested, but suddenly a lady came and grabbed his arm. As he was being dragged away he asked me to tell him more. I said, "How are you going to listen if she keeps dragging you away?" At that he yanked his arm away from her, and I told him some more about the book. Then he said, "But it's so big, and I would have to carry the book around all day." Then a man inside the booth said to him, "The benefit you will derive from reading the /Bhagavad-gita/ is much, much greater than the little inconvenience you'll experience from carrying around such a storehouse of wisdom." Upon hearing that, he decided to take it. I then thanked the man who provided the encouraging words. I learned that he's a long-time friend of the movement.

Later a man came to the table and, before I could say a word, gave a nice donation for the /Bhagavad-gita/. He then went on to tell me that he's a Christian minister and that he quite often uses the teachings of the /Gita/ in his sermons.

An hour later another Christian came by, one I'd spoken to earlier. He said he had some doubts about Christianity, such as how a merciful God could cast sinners into hell to burn forever. I said to him, "God is the most kind person and would never force anyone to suffer eternally, even if he'd committed the greatest sin. He may arrange for punishment, but He'll always give the sinner another chance." Then I explained about reincarnation and that this is how He gives us another chance. He said this made sense and took a /Bhagavad-gita/.

It was sooo nice to be out on book distribution again. What a breath of fresh air!

Your Servant,

Vijaya das

Author: admin

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