Time Bombs Go Everywhere

Book Distribution

Dear Dharma Setu Prabhu, Radha Ramana Prabhu and all the stalwarts of Soho Book distribution,

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to the ISKCON gurus; all glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I am currently travelling as the secretary of His holiness Bhakti Charu Swami in South Africa.

Two days ago, in Durban, Maharaja was invited to the opening of a large fruits&vegetable shop that is run by an aspiring disciple of his. When we went to the function, a middle-age caucasian gentleman who is a big banker in the area introduced himself to Maharaja and told him a story which brought a tear to my eye! He said that in 1985, he was walking on Oxford street near Piccadely Circus and, all of a sudden, someone came up to him and put a Hard Bound Bhagavad Gita in his hand. He gave the devotee a small donation and went home. He told Maharaja, "that day changed the course of my life forever." He took the book home and put it on his night table next to his bed. He had it there for 5 years (!) and he never picked it up. But one day, (sure enough) he took it and started reading it and loved it! Since then he has read many other books of Srila Prabhupada, he has come to the temple many times, and is friends with many devotees. Last night (Sunday) he came to the temple with a friend of his and had dinner with Maharaja and other guests. He was very respectful and enlivened.

What can be said other than "BOOK DISTRIBUTION KI JAY!!!!!!!"

your humble servant,

Candrasekhar Acarya dasa

Author: admin

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