Train Book Distribution in Mumbai

Srila Prabhupada poster

Govinda Prabhu recollects how it all began 13 years ago in the trains:

The most exciting book distribution experiences and incidents have taken place at the Bombay Central Railway station. However it all began 13 years ago when book distribution, as a part of regular service in the temple was still at a nascent stage. With very few devotees distributing books, nobody had ever thought of going to the railway station. One day Krishnananda Prabhu decided to take the initiative and told me to accompany him. I had just joined the temple. Coming from a small town, for a teenager, this big city was overwhelming. I was definitely nervous and one glance at the confident, smart looking men of the city of Mumbai, always seeming busy and on the move, I was put off. I was convinced I couldn't do book distribution. Impossible. However Krishnananda Prabhu was adamant. He was the temple commander and as he ordered me to pack my book bag, I had no choice but to comply. For a new bhakta, there was no question of personal likes or dislikes. As we reached the platform, Krishnananda Prabhu was in his elements. Tapping a traveller on the shoulder, he introduced himself as a MSc. Mtech from U.S.A and an english speaking smart sadhu baffled all of them and impressed them to take Prabhupada's books. Well, he could do it in that style and with good success. For me, this was a nightmare. My worst fears came true, when all of a sudden, he put a few books in my hand and pushed me inside a compartment, " go, just give Prabhupada's books to all. Come on"!

As I heard his assertive and firm voice, I almost fainted. I was trembling and seeing passengers seated in the trains, with all eyes on me, I was on the verge of tears. Not able to muster up enough strength, I gave up, went to a vacant seat in a corner and sitting all alone began sighing, " Why is Krishna doing this to me? Please take me out of this mess". With no one to share my tale of woe, I was miserable. Just then a complete stranger came up to me, smilingly asked me what I had in my book bag. Clumsily, repositioning myself, I showed him the books. " Oh! These books are wonderful" he exclaimed aloud and immediately took a few big books and a dozen small books. I was ecstatic. I ran looking for Krishnanand Prabhu, hardly able to contain my excitement. Sharing my joy and seeing the sparkle in my eyes now, he commented," Your days are numbered. You will be hooked to this "Today 13 years later, book distribution is one of the main activities of the temple with 3 bus parties going out during marathon and many devotees engaged full time in book distribution.

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