Tranad api
For the past few months I've been doing sankirtan in Japan. One day I wanted to call my mother in Europe but I had some difficulties with connection. So I called some technical service for help. On the other side answered one young man. I tried to explain to him the problem but he kept saying that this card is not offering me a live operator. I just wanted some advice from him about why the day before Ihad connected to America without problems but now I cannot get Europe. He became very angry an started saying "You fool! Shut up! I cannot believe that you are so stupid…! I was shocked. I could not believe that some official person would speak so harshly without any reason.
By some inconceivable mercy I stayed cool and even felt a little sorry for him because he was so frustrated. Usually I would say some bad words back, curse his mother and country… Like many times before I would be rude with riksha-walas in India who would want to cheat me. Especially those of us from the Balkanizes countries, this is very easy – this is in the blood.
But this time somehow I thought, "why should I spoil my consciousness with this man."
After that I went on sankirtan to Shinjuku station which is known to be not so easy place. But by the mercy of Guru and Caitanya Mahaprabhu all people were very friendly and they took 50 books in 3 hours.
Every sankirtan bhakta after a bad day try's to analyze what was wrong – some offence, over eating… that he can improve. And after good day what he did nice -rounds, seva, tapasya…so that he can continue or repeat.
I tried to analise why I got some mercy. My rounds were as usual nothing special. But then I remembered this nasty guy on the phone whom I didn't offend back.
Then I got one realization. Usually I am playing as submissive and surrendered soul infront of the Guru or some senior devotee but with ordinary devotees I'm arrogant and what to speak of "stupid karmis".
This time I saw that Krishna is appreciating tolerance and humility even before an "insignificant" unhappy telephone operator. He can test our tolerance through them. And to be gentle with such people or a young devotee is sometimes even harder.
I would like to ask for your blessings that one day I could really become trinad api sunicena taror iva sahishnuna.
Hare Krishna,
Your Servant
Vasudeva Datta Das