Two slokas a day keep ignorance away
Yatin Prabhu and his partner, Sumit Prabhu, entered Rani Laxmibai School at Parseoni village in Nagpur district. It's written on the school notice board: "An apple a day keeps doctor away." Yatin smiles and enters the Principal's cabin. He quickly persuades the Principal to buy the set of Marathi books (Bhagavad Gita, Krishna, and Srimad Bhagavatam, First Canto). The Principal now happily agrees to arrange a meeting of all the teachers.
When the teachers assemble in the staff room, Yatin makes his presentation. The Teachers are impressed and appreciative. They even take books to see them, but no one seems ready to buy them.
The Principal is inspired to speak and markets for the books. He says that the books are written in simple language and also nicely printed and bound. You won’t get anything of this quality in the market so cheap, he tells them.
Some teachers start buying, while some sheepishly complain, "Oh, we don't have time to read."
Yatin immediately takes over and says that if they read just two shlokas a day, in one year they will complete the Gita. More teachers start buying.
Now the Principal, bowled over by Yatin's statement, is more inspired, and he proposes a vote by all the teachers: Why not every morning during our school prayers, read two slokas of the Gita?
All sixteen teachers vote for it. And, yes, it is happening. Rani Laxmibai School has a new motto: "Two slokas a day keep ignorance away."
Thanks to Prabhupada's book distribution sena,
Yatin, a brahmacari trainee