Use your experiences to get the books out
Hare Krsna
My husband Rupa Raghunatha Prabhu, myself and my transcendental daughter Vrndavaneshvari decided to take to the road for a travelling sankirtan tour from Sydney to Murwullambah.
First stop was the famous "Tuggerah Roadhouse" the biggest fuel and burger stop on the freeway and an ideal location to distribute many transcendental literatures. Shy from so much time carrying a nappy bag rather than book bag, I was trying to be optimistic, that Krsna would help us to perform some service as we had never yet tried a full day here. Our van was jammed packed with books for the planned tour, we could hardly breathe in the back seat due to the boxes of Gitas. This was a great inspiration to actually DO the service, we needed leg room!
So as we pulled into the roadhouse after the 1 1/2 hour drive from Sydney I was a little groggy, but the first thing I saw was a teenager pacing around eating an icecream. He was wearing a T-shirt saying "Hunter S. Thompson", who was a famous hippy author, I used to read his books. "Alright Krsna." I thought, "You've sent me someone, I've got a line for this guy!" So my enthusiasm immediately surmounted and I bolted out of the car so as not to loose my chance. Isn't it great how Krsna sends that someone to get us fired up?
I walked right over and said, "Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas!" I loved that book! I saw your shirt. What others did he write?" He imeadiately smiled and began talking listing many books. "And who wrote Dharma Bums?" I asked "Oh that was jack Kerouack" he said. Meanwhile I was thinking: "I must use my past experiences to convince others to read Prabhupadas books."
"Well you know we are showing some books about meditation, yoga, and spirituality, take a look." I showed him the SSR, and said, "The author, he preached a lot to the hippies and beat generation. Not Hunter S. Thompson, but many of his contemporaries were chanting. thats how this whole movement was started."
"Oh sure I'll give you a donation." He said.
Unfortunately, his pockets were almost bare.
"That's OK." I said, reaching in my bag for a small book, I found the perfect choice. "Oh, you will love reading this one, this is the biography of Prabhhupada. It explains about how he spent time with the hippies and beat generation in New York and San Francisco in the 60s, and how he created a world wide movement" He said, "This sounds so interesting I am definetly going to read this book!" and he hands over his change. After this, you couldn't stop us, we each did over 20 big books at that roadhouse! Then we had to go to our overnight stop, New Gokula Cessnock farm. The next day we went to a music festival called "Cultural stomp." We would do books and there were other devotees there who would do the catering. Rupa sold $120 worth of books to the MC of the festival who told him, on seeing the Gita, that, " I'm getting paid to do this event, so I might as well spend some of it".
"OK" he thought, "spend you will." so he showed her cookbooks, more books, Cds and Krsna posters, and she took them all. Wow!
Your servant, "On the road"
Krsna Rupa Devi Dasi