Victoria’s surrender

While I was distributing books at Balboa Park in San Diego, three ladies come to my table, all crying. Fifty feet away from my table a violinist was playing, and they were listening to him before coming to my table. He’s good, so good that he brought them to tears.

I showed them the Gita. They all loved it, and one said, “The violinist was good, but this is the cherry on top of the cake.”

They all took Gitas, an SSR, and a SB. One of them lives in San Diego, the other two in the LA area.

I invited Victoria, the one living in San Diego, to our Krsna Lounge function, every Thursday night.

Three days later Balarama and I are talking in the temple lobby when Victoria walks in and says to me,”You gave me a book a few days ago, and I’ve been reading it. It makes more sense than anything I’ve ever encountered.”

At this point she’s crying, and she lets her heart out to the two of us for ten minutes.

She said she kept on hearing voices saying, “Go to the temple, go to the temple.”

She didn’t know of any temple in San Diego, then she remembered the invitation card I gave her and figured that this must be the temple.

She stayed at the temple all day talking to devotees. Someone gave her beads, so she started chanting.

In San Diego there is only a men’s ashram, because there’s no space for a women’s ashrama. I could see she just wanted to join, like I did. The first time I went to a temple, I never left.

I thought I should find out something about her before I made arrangements for her to go to another temple. It turns out that she is a chemical engineer, a concert pianist, and has managed businesses. A very qualified person.

So I had to try and figure out something suitable for this sincere soul. Kalakanta Prabhu came to mind. He has a training program for men and women. I called him, and he said they have a semester training course coming up in a few weeks, but he only allows twelve people per semester, and there was only one space left.

I told Victoria, and she immediately went home, went to the website and registered. She’ll be in Gainesville in a couple of weeks to systematically start her Krsna consciousness under the able guidance of Kalakanta’s team.

Another fortunate soul captured by Krsna.

Your servant,
Vijaya Dasa

Author: admin

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