Ways Householders can Distribute Books


By Bhakta Corey

Every one of us wants to distribute books. But what if someone is entangled in householder life, and just don’t have time? Well, there is good news for them. There are a few innovative ways that have been recently created by the Sastra-dana team, where householders can also engage in book distribution, directly and indirectly.

One way is to support the Sastra-dana program, which has become quite popular. The Sastra-dana program accepts donations, and they use these donations to pay for the books. They then take the sponsored books and put them in public places, such as libraries, coffee shops, magazine racks in beauty palors, doctor’s offices, places where there are waiting areas, so that as people wait, they can read one of Prabhupada’s books.

So that is the good news. Even if you don’t have time, you can still engage in book distribution by simply giving a donation to others to distribute the books for you, and receive the same spiritual benefit. To learn more about this program please visit www.sastradana.com

Spiritual ISKCON Books

Another method for a householder to engage in book distribution is to buy the books themself and then directly distribute the books themselves, by leaving them in public areas (beauty parlors, doctor offices, libraries), or giving them to co-workers, friends, and others. Let us say that you wanted to buy a case of small books. A case of “Spiritual Yoga”, for example, comes with 340 books and costs only $130.00. Let us estimate that it would take someone three months to distribute the books, then it would come to only about $45 dollars a month. Imagine the number of books that would be distributed if every householder in our movement did this.

Also, there is one other method of book distribution a householder can engage in. They can buy a book rack from Sastra-dana, and then find a store to place the rack in. After that, they need to be sure to check the rack every week or so to see if more books are needed to re-fill the rack. To become a book rack manager, clickhere

So please, if you have any money at all that you can spare, please use it to distribute Srila Prabhupada’s books, and thereby give the shelter of Srila Prabhupada’s books to the suffering souls of this material world. Jaya Srila Prabhupada.

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