Working while doing their real work

I just heard an amazing story from the book distributors of ISKCON of Silicon Valley. A few devotees there work remotely; they don’t have to go to the office. So, what do they do? This is going to shock you. They are so fired up that they bring their work laptop with them on book distribution, and set it up on the side of their book table. They’ll log in, do a little work on the computer, and then when they see someone coming they’ll show them the books.

And these devotees do huge! One devotee did 60 Srimad Bhagavatam sets in two weeks on traveling sankirtan—all while working his remote job! Inconceivable. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. They’re humble, so they don’t want their names to be known.

This IS “Our Family Business.” Prabhupada said, “We should tax our brains on how to distribute books.” As we see here, if there is determination then there are no obstacles. Our real work is giving Krsna to others. Hopefully this information will inspire other devotees to do the same.

Your servant,
Vijaya das

Author: admin

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