Workplace book distribution.

Bhagavat gita

Hare Krsna Prabhu's,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

My name is Hamsagati das. I met devotees in Atlanta in October 1973. The Temple devotees, Deities, Tulsi and especially the liberating info in Bhagavad-gita so impressed me that I bought items from their store: Spiritual Sky shampoo, inscense and sold them to co-workers at my place of employment. Pretty soon we realized that full-time book and BTG distribution was simpler and more productive than working outside. Balavanta prabhu and the other wonderful devotees kindly allowed me to stay. My main service for the next 14 years was giving the literature to the public. Upon entering family life, book sales gave way to maintaining the household. Book sales went down but still I would give them to people I met in hotel work and a Limo business. In 1999 I began driving a taxi in Los Angeles California. Each day people in the cab payed good $$ for fare and tips. I started buying books from the local temples. After reaching the destination and settling the fare I would offer passengers a 'Gift from my teacher'. 99 out of a 100 really appreciated that, and would remember me if i picked them up again—"Oh, you gave me that book".

Now that they have the book it's easier to discuss further and encourage them to send for the free catalogue. Upon hearing this is about Hare Krishna, a good number of folks would ask what happened to the Hare Krishna's….they used to sing and dance on the streets. We should remember the importance of congregational chanting in public as the original form of samkirtan. Yet the books are the basis of our movement and all friends of devotees can share some with people they know or meet in business, when shopping in stores, on a bus, on the sidewalk…..all possibilities exist. We can tip people who repair our tires, change the oil, bag groceries, brings the mail, fixes a leaky faucet and many others with a book rather than cash. Don't forget to share the knowledge- which has so nicely affected us- with those we care about. The books are very inexpensive yet are perceived as quite valuable and beautiful by the recipients. During the last 10 years, I have averaged 20 books per week…= aproximately 10,000 life-changing gifts. Friends of lord Krishna, we can make the world a better place, one person at a time.

Lately I like to carry the new edition of Higher Taste, Chant and Be Happy, Beyond birth and death, phamphlets, and some bigger books too. Krishna in the heart helps us to know the right one for each jiva soul. So, if we feel indebted to folks we deal with, what better show of appreciation than Srila Prabhupads words!!! What will people remember if we only preach with our words? Much more thru a book. And we do accept donations when offered. Hare Krishna Prabhus.

Your Servant,

Hamsagati Dasa

Author: admin

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