World Revolution Through Book Distribution

Book distribution,,,

Hare Krishna. Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories To Srila Prabhupada.

After a few days off to prepare for my trip to America on Sunday, I made it back out on book distribution with great delight. Even though I'm just one lone Sankirtana soldier a lot of the time Sankirtana brings me so much joy that I wish I never had to stop to sleep, eat and all the other things an embodied soul has to do.

The day started off by meeting a few people I've met before and a few nice conversations. One guy I see every now and then said that the knowledge in Srila Prabhupada's books has helped him to get off drugs and improve his life. I wanted to get his address, but just then my bus arrived and I had to go. Next time I see him I'll try to get his contact. I don't keep in touch with a lot of people, but those that I see are chanting or are really inquisitive I try to write them and culitivate them. Tomorrow night a Chinese Buddhist couple I gave books to a few years ago are coming over for Prasadam. They are slowly making some advancement.

On the street I was distributing and a little aboriginal kid came up to me and asked me if he could have a book. The kid was so small that I had to look down. He was very cute. As I handed him the book he gave me two dollars and then ran back to his mother and brother who were sitting on a bench nearby. As I distributed him and his brother watched me and laughed and cheered everytime I distriubuted a book. In Australia the Native people are called Aboriginals. Their culture is one of the oldest in the world. Some of their cave paintings are over 50,000 years old some say. The aboriginal culture is based a lot on communing with spirits and such. The dreamtime they call it,which places it in the Tamo Guna, but somehow or other I've noticed that most of the people in the world are pious and ready to receive the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Patita Pavana Gaura Hari. My realization is that there never has been a time when the people are more favorable then now. It seems that as the Kali Yuga progresses the mercy of Gaura Nitai becomes stronger and Stronger unlimitedly. The Bush administration and so many other Demoniac Governments around the world are pushing Maya like never before, so we have to try and convince them to take up Krishna Consciousness. Meet the leaders if we can and give them books. The people are feeling the pangs of material existence more and more also due to the influence of these foolish leaders under the illusory energy. The people in the world are really looking for alternatives. It is such a ripe time now that I hope the devotees of the world will unite and create a world revolution through book distribution. A revolution in the impious lives of the worlds misdirected civilization. Srila Prabhupada is watching.

Your Servant,

Devaki Nandana Dasa

Author: admin

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