WSN April 2013 – World Sankirtan Newsletter and letter from Prabhupada
Posted on May 31, 2013 in Scores

Srila Prabhupada Letter
The book sales are very encouraging, increasing, increasing. It is very good news.
Thank you, I want this. Record selling is temporary.
Even George Harrison's record sales do not continue for a long time.
But, a book sold becomes a permanent matter for enjoyment.
**We **read the scriptures again and again and it is still fresh.
When there is time I go on reading my own books.” (SPL, 1st October, 1974)
For complete results
go to (password: wsnhome)
Deadline for scores is the 15th of the next month
April 2013 5/21/2013
For the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada this page
contains the following results for the month of April 2013.
World Totals Page 2
Monthly Congregation and Weekend Warriors Page 2
Monthly Continents Page 3
Monthly Top Ten Temples by Size Page 3
Monthly Top Ten Temples by Continent Page 4
Monthly Top Teams and Individuals Page 5
Monthly All Countries Page 6
Monthly All Temples Page 7
Monthly All Prabhupada Disciples Page 8
Cumulative Top Ten Countries Page 9
Cumulative Top Ten Temples Page 9
Cumulative Top 50 Individuals Worldwide Page 9
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* *
* During the month of April 2013, 127 temples reported *
* distributing the following number of books: *
* *
* 63,987 Maha-big books *
* 22,719 Big books *
* 35,226 Medium books *
* 176,195 Small books *
* 39,437 Magazines *
* 2,985 BTG subscriptions *
* 407 Full sets *
* *
* 355,474 literatures for the month *
* 1,695,204 literatures year-to-date *
* 496,988,691 literatures worldwide since 1965 *
* *
* All glories to Srila Prabhupada! *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Total Literatures Distributed
Books (Millions)
X X x
X X X x X X X x X X _ x
X X X X x X X X X x X X X X X X x X
X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x x X X X X
X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X _ x X X X X X X X X X
76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 1213
World Sankirtan Newsletter
April 2013
Congregation and % M-Big Big Medium Small BTGs
Weekend Warriors Points Change Books Books Books Books Mags
1 WW Team ISV Week San USA 4742.25*+481% 2258* 177* 0 197 0
2 WW Dallas Dal USA 408.30*+142% 42* 152* 156* 372* 13
3 WW Toronto WW Tor Can 273.00*+184% 81* 7* 66* 284* 0
4 LA Sastra Dana LA USA 240.00 +20% 0 0 320* 200 300
5 WW Weekend Warri Bha Eng 217.50 -41% 45 0 255 0 0
6 WW Los Angeles LA USA 214.50* +92% 52* 51* 31 176* 0
7 WW Arkadelphia W Ark USA 12.50 -23% 5* 0 0 10* 0
(%)Change compared (*)New record
to monthly average for this year
World Sankirtan Newsletter
April 2013
% of M-Big Big Medium Small BTGs Full
Continent (temples) Points World Books Books Books Books Mags Sets
1 Asia (16) 118309.10 53% 37825 7125 12215 76256 50350 361
2 CIS (30) 39062.65 17% 11490 4372 13248 20219 319 0
3 North America (28) 33594.00 15% 9633 6085 5452 16606 5716 41
4 Latin America (22) 16950.20 8% 533 2886 1273 49424 57 0
5 Europe (16) 9754.25 4% 3202 1292 2492 2913 840 3
6 Australasia (4) 3347.35 1% 1047 791 337 1165 26 2
7 Africa (11) 3193.40 1% 257 168 209 9612 39 0
World Sankirtan Newsletter
April 2013
% M-Big Big Medium Small BTGs
Points Change Books Books Books Books Mags
TOP TEN LARGE TEMPLES (41+ devotees)
1 New Delhi Ind 30340.90 -49% 8264 1758* 7239* 28548 12984
2 Moscow Rus 17769.75* +64% 7130* 1272* 2054 4843* 0
3 Mumbai-Chowpatty Ind 17394.45*+276% 5374* 952* 1658* 18285* 2467
4 Mumbai-Juhu Ind 15576.50 -71% 6495 426 1147 6348 0
5 Tirupati Ind 13428.50 -32% 4865 629 305* 9678 3854
6 Pune Ind 11063.40 -32% 4338 486 445 2956 7727*
7 Los Angeles USA 4522.00 -26% 448 1696 1640 4080 900*
8 Kiev Ukr 2952.00*+337% 568* 72* 2885* 1206* 0
9 Bhaktivedanta Mano Eng 1550.75 -35% 451 24 1224 51 0
10 New Vrajadham-Hung Hun 347.60 -54% 124 16 1 0 831
TOP TEN MEDIUM TEMPLES (21-40 devotees)
1 VV Nagar Ind 6609.75 -29% 599* 0 165* 957 12216
2 New Delhi(Punj.Bag Ind 5526.00 -72% 1089 650* 200 5552 8224*
3 Simhacalam (NJNK) Ger 3344.50 -40% 1263 655 327 0 0
4 Ahmedabad Ind 3324.25 -6% 1316 0 277 1337* 580*
5 Perm Rus 2483.00* +66% 803* 341* 843* 458* 0
6 San Diego USA 2461.25* +61% 447 1185* 427* 675 0
7 Salem Ind 2454.75 -39% 870 81 0 247 1635*
8 Mexico City Mex 2002.25* +38% 49 24 60 7401* 0
9 Sydney-North Aus 1995.35 +43% 863 65 271* 265 26
10 Buenos Aires Arg 1731.75 -4% 91 102* 0 5791* 0
TOP TEN SMALL TEMPLES (6-20 devotees)
1 RupanugaVedicColle USA 6223.15 +24% 2376 929 693 329 1134*
2 San Jose(ISV) USA 4742.25*+174% 2258* 177* 0 197 0
3 Krasnoyarsk Rus 4708.50 na 705 943 1729 5964 0
4 Cueramaro Mex 3905.50*+747% 107* 284* 561* 12508* 0
5 Bhopal Ind 2370.75* +53% 1089* 11 114* 499* 0
6 Centro Goura Nitai Bra 2181.25 +33% 48* 1083 22 3965* 0
7 Krasnodar Rus 2161.75 -40% 248 524 2068 431 0
8 Chicago USA 2070.75* +93% 577* 468* 466* 863* 0
9 Habarovsk Rus 1739.90 na 242 468 905 1214 319
10 Atlanta USA 1610.50 +3% 432 568* 357 0 0
1 Brahmapur Ind 4067.00*+724% 1089* 1585* 296* 624* 0
2 Porto Alegre Bra 2181.25 na 48 1083 22 3965 0
3 Kanyakumari Ind 512.85 -75% 204 40 20* 65* 101
4 Kishinev Ukr 508.25*+211% 61* 33* 438* 537* 0
5 Curitiba Bra 456.50 +18% 6 39 4 1614* 0
6 Monterrey Mex 245.00 na 15 40 0 700 0
7 Baltimore USA 219.50 -80% 66 13 24 250 0
8 Sofia Bul 213.00 -75% 42 129 0 0 0
9 Lvov Ukr 179.75 +26% 50 1 131* 53 0
10 Rovno Ukr 102.75*+191% 26* 2 57* 81* 0
World Sankirtan Newsletter
April 2013
% M-Big Big Medium Small BTGs
Points Change Books Books Books Books Mags
1 New Delhi Ind 30340.90 -32% 8264 1758 7239 28548 12984
2 Mumbai-Chowpatty Ind 17394.45 +401% 5374 952 1658 18285 2467
3 Mumbai-Juhu Ind 15576.50 -56% 6495 426 1147 6348 0
4 Tirupati Ind 13428.50 -9% 4865 629 305 9678 3854
5 Pune Ind 11063.40 -10% 4338 486 445 2956 7727
6 VV Nagar Ind 6609.75 +7% 599 0 165 957 12216
7 New Delhi(Punj.Bag Ind 5526.00 -62% 1089 650 200 5552 8224
8 Brahmapur Ind 4067.00 +999% 1089 1585 296 624 0
9 Ahmedabad Ind 3324.25 +26% 1316 0 277 1337 580
10 Salem Ind 2454.75 -19% 870 81 0 247 1635
1 Moscow Rus 17769.75 +119% 7130 1272 2054 4843 0
2 Krasnoyarsk Rus 4708.50 na 705 943 1729 5964 0
3 Kiev Ukr 2952.00 +556% 568 72 2885 1206 0
4 Perm Rus 2483.00 +121% 803 341 843 458 0
5 Krasnodar Rus 2161.75 -19% 248 524 2068 431 0
6 Habarovsk Rus 1739.90 na 242 468 905 1214 319
7 Kharkov Ukr 1174.00 +259% 224 23 600 1612 0
8 Odessa Ukr 1164.75 na 390 48 178 991 0
9 Dnepropetrovsk Ukr 1014.25 +212% 247 69 227 1351 0
10 Severodvinsk Rus 566.00 na 132 187 154 152 0
1 RupanugaVedicColle USA 6223.15 +66% 2376 929 693 329 1134
2 San Jose(ISV) USA 4742.25 +311% 2258 177 0 197 0
3 Los Angeles USA 4522.00 -1% 448 1696 1640 4080 900
4 San Diego USA 2461.25 +141% 447 1185 427 675 0
5 Chicago USA 2070.75 +157% 577 468 466 863 0
6 Atlanta USA 1610.50 +37% 432 568 357 0 0
7 Washington D.C. USA 1197.45 +11% 286 74 174 1299 1397
8 Laguna Beach USA 1100.80 +8% 484 6 6 420 188
9 Denver USA 1063.20 +42% 328 180 48 780 82
10 New Orleans USA 1045.50 +40% 2 0 570 3026 0
1 Cueramaro Mex 3905.50 +999% 107 284 561 12508 0
2 Porto Alegre Bra 2181.25 na 48 1083 22 3965 0
3 Centro Goura Nitai Bra 2181.25 +78% 48 1083 22 3965 0
4 Mexico City Mex 2002.25 +107% 49 24 60 7401 0
5 Buenos Aires Arg 1731.75 +91% 91 102 0 5791 0
6 Bogota Col 824.00 +39% 0 0 0 3296 0
7 Vrajabhumi Bra 712.25 +28% 13 52 30 2477 0
8 Santiago Chi 704.25 -13% 43 12 441 1543 0
9 Franco da Rocha Bra 473.75 +211% 25 139 0 1139 0
10 Curitiba Bra 456.50 +57% 6 39 4 1614 0
1 Simhacalam (NJNK) Ger 3344.50 -10% 1263 655 327 0 0
2 Bhaktivedanta Mano Eng 1550.75 -3% 451 24 1224 51 0
3 London-Soho Eng 1289.90 +8% 404 27 127 1562 9
4 Kaunas Lit 827.00 +66% 151 286 0 956 0
5 Berlin Ger 771.00 -30% 266 22 434 0 0
6 Sarajevo Bos 500.75 +149% 243 7 13 5 0
7 Munich Ger 454.00 +999% 178 0 196 0 0
8 New Vrajadham-Hung Hun 347.60 -7% 124 16 1 0 831
9 Sofia Bul 213.00 -51% 42 129 0 0 0
10 Vilnius Lit 118.25 -40% 21 7 7 263 0
1 Sydney-North Aus 1995.35 +90% 863 65 271 265 26
2 Auckland Loft New 855.50 +7% 57 550 19 728 0
3 Wellington New 267.25 +10% 42 150 12 109 0
4 Melbourne Aus 229.25 -30% 85 26 35 63 0
1 Phoenix(MA) Mau 1281.70 -31% 89 45 42 4150 2
2 Bon Accueil Mau 759.50 +86% 66 0 11 2488 0
3 Nairobi Ken 477.55 +13% 26 70 35 1341 28
4 Durban Sou 276.90 -43% 12 9 60 852 9
5 Cape Town Sou 136.00 +583% 2 4 0 512 0
6 Accra Gha 91.50 +231% 24 7 2 142 0
7 Blantyre Mal 78.25 +48% 35 1 0 29 0
8 Arusha Tan 41.75 -47% 0 20 34 19 0
9 Stellenbosch Sou 25.75 +72% 3 3 10 47 0
10 Kisumu Ken 17.50 -77% 0 9 14 6 0
World Sankirtan Newsletter
April 2013
% M-Big Big Medium Small BTGs
Individuals Points Change Books Books Books Books Mags
1 Gopisvar d Del Ind 2000.00 na 1000 0 0 0 0
2 Brajprasad d Pun Ind 856.00 +109% 285 115 21 642 0
3 Sakshiachyut d Pun Ind 730.00 na 365 0 0 0 0
(%)Change compared (*)New record
to monthly average for this year
World Sankirtan Newsletter
April 2013
% M-Big Big Medium Small BTGs
Individuals Points Change Books Books Books Books Mags
1 Madhusundar d Del Ind12627.25 +15% 1966* 1125* 5424* 19433 0
2 Govind Murari d Mum Ind 5187.00* +70% 2442* 82 87 710 0
3 Tirtha Krishna d Tir Ind 3820.00* -6% 1501* 119 113* 2384 389
4 Jitu d Bra Ind 3637.25*+999% 877* 1585* 296* 601* 0
5 Bk Rakesh Del Ind 3600.00 +20% 1800* 0 0 0 0
6 Nandanandana Gov Tir Ind 3525.90 -18% 1416* 108 36 2196 189
7 Bhagavat Ashraya Mum Ind 3166.75 -49% 1405 50 136 955 0
8 Anupam Krishna d Mos Rus 2617.00 -14% 1281 0 110 0 0
9 Paramesvara d RVC USA 2118.90 -3% 747 248 586 0 839*
10 Madhukari d RVC USA 1932.00* +60% 966* 0 0 0 0
11 Caitanya Candra Cen Bra 1697.25 +35% 17* 897 0 3065* 0
12 Damodara Sundar New Ind 1687.80 -66% 295 280* 70 1776 3160*
13 Keshava Balaram New Ind 1685.70 -66% 294 280* 70 1776 3159*
14 Nadia Bihari d Pun Ind 1662.00*+154% 831* 0 0 0 0
15 Bhrgupati d LA USA 1593.00 +40% 116 1253* 192 48 0
16 Ambarish d Mos Rus 1500.00 na 750 0 0 0 0
17 Vallabha Caitany Mos Rus 1430.25 +23% 534 193 50 577* 0
18 Gokul Ranjan d Mum Ind 1415.50 -34% 629 95 0 250 0
19 Rupamaya Govind Ahm Ind 1403.75 na 578 0 118 755 0
20 Smashan Bhumi dd Mum Ind 1364.00 na 682 0 0 0 0
21 Avyanga d Mos Rus 1334.50*+163% 493* 185 110 434* 0
22 Rasa Murali d New Ind 1278.50* +94% 199* 114 549* 1968 0
23 Raivat d Ahm Ind 1262.50* +72% 529* 0 135* 540* 20*
24 Bhaktika dd Tir Ind 1242.75 -36% 425 78 0 1247 30*
25 Madhava Puri d Mos Rus 1239.50* +61% 524* 100 183 0 0
26 Shastra-krt d LA USA 1199.50 +5% 578* 36 15 0 0
27 Daru Brahman d Mos Rus 1120.00 na 480 160 0 0 0
28 Sri Nitai d New Ind 1118.75* +27% 174* 100 481* 1721 0
29 Rajendra Gopinat Tir Ind 1067.75 -46% 392 45 35* 881 10
30 Ghanashyam Govin Syd Aus 1034.50 +33% 500 32 4 2 0
31 Bk Cherevnih Kra Rus 1020.25 na 93 200 702 1133 0
32 Gour Mohan d Nrs Ger 985.50 -60% 352 277* 9 0 0
33 Bk Hemant Del Ind 958.00* +45% 149* 85 412* 1476 0
34 Bk Fominyi Mos Rus 942.50* +83% 377* 30 317 0 0
35 Bk Daniel Atl USA 938.50 +20% 118 545* 315 0 0
36 Smita Krishna d Mos Rus 906.25 +53% 256 164 0 921 0
37 Dvijamani Gaura RVC USA 901.00 0% 256 360* 46 24 0
38 Bk Solovyev D. Mos Rus 893.25 na 412 8 105 35 0
39 Bk Prasad Chi USA 853.00* +91% 325* 94* 121* 194* 0
40 Achyuta Hari d Del Ind 850.00*+126% 425* 0 0 0 0
41 Nava Gauravara d Tir Ind 811.25 -31% 263 93 32* 705* 0
42 Sudharma d Hab Rus 810.50 na 129 276 347 412 0
43 Nidra dd Den USA 806.00 +21% 257 160 35 458 0
44 Neel Kantha d Del Ind 760.00 -10% 0 0 0 0 7600
45 Ananda Krsna d Nrs Ger 752.50 -9% 295 108 109 0 0
46 Paramatma Krsna Ber Ger 705.00 -38% 258 0 378 0 0
47 Bk Carlos SD USA 678.50* +48% 118 387* 0 222 0
48 Laxmi Narayan d Pun Ind 676.75 na 328 9 10 27 0
49 Bk Jacob SD USA 674.25*+229% 193* 179* 175* 87* 0
50 Sacitanoy d LA USA 673.25 -1% 124 361* 0 257 0
(%)Change compared (*)New record
to monthly average for this year
World Sankirtan Newsletter
April 2013
% M-Big Big Medium Small BTGs
Country (Temples) Points Change Books Books Books Books Mags
1 India (16) 118309.10 -17% 37825 7125 12215 76256 50350
2 United States (26) 32769.50 +20% 9360 6046 5289 15984 5691
3 Russia, CIS (11) 31051.90 +19% 9597 4105 8480 13924 319
4 Ukraine, CIS (19) 8010.75 -11% 1893 267 4768 6295 0
5 Brazil (12) 6956.05 na 202 2416 199 16143 8
6 Mexico (4) 6177.75 -13% 171 348 621 20709 0
7 GermanyAustria (7) 4771.50 +277% 1742 765 1045 0 0
8 United Kingdom (2) 2840.65 -14% 855 51 1351 1613 9
9 Australia (2) 2224.60 +266% 948 91 306 328 26
10 Mauritius (2) 2041.20 +82% 155 45 53 6638 2
11 Argentina 1731.75 na 91 102 0 5791 0
12 New Zealand (2) 1122.75 -2% 99 700 31 837 0
13 Lithuania (2) 945.25 -30% 172 293 7 1219 0
14 Canada (2) 824.50 -63% 273 39 163 622 25
15 Colombia 824.00 na 0 0 0 3296 0
16 Chile 704.25 na 43 12 441 1543 0
17 Bosnia 500.75 na 243 7 13 5 0
18 Kenya (2) 495.05 +99% 26 79 49 1347 28
19 South Africa (4) 445.65 -81% 17 16 71 1437 9
20 Paraguay 369.15 na 15 8 0 1321 9
21 Hungary 347.60 -80% 124 16 1 0 831
22 Bulgaria 213.00 -38% 42 129 0 0 0
23 Ghana 91.50 +277% 24 7 2 142 0
24 Slovenia 84.75 -27% 10 22 51 69 0
25 Malawi 78.25 +10% 35 1 0 29 0
26 Uruguay 69.75 na 1 0 0 271 0
27 Switzerland 50.75 +99% 14 9 24 7 0
28 Tanzania 41.75 na 0 20 34 19 0
(%)Change compared
to Apr last year
World Sankirtan Newsletter
April 2013
% M-Big Big Medium Small BTGs
Temples (size) Points Change Books Books Books Books Mags
1 New Delhi (L) Ind 30340.90 -49% 8264 1758* 7239* 28548 12984
2 Moscow (L) Rus 17769.75* +64% 7130* 1272* 2054 4843* 0
3 Mumbai-Chowpatty ( Ind 17394.45*+276% 5374* 952* 1658* 18285* 2467
4 Mumbai-Juhu (L) Ind 15576.50 -71% 6495 426 1147 6348 0
5 Tirupati (L) Ind 13428.50 -32% 4865 629 305* 9678 3854
6 Pune (L) Ind 11063.40 -32% 4338 486 445 2956 7727*
7 VV Nagar (M) Ind 6609.75 -29% 599* 0 165* 957 12216
8 RupanugaVedicColle USA 6223.15 +24% 2376 929 693 329 1134*
9 New Delhi(Punj.Bag Ind 5526.00 -72% 1089 650* 200 5552 8224*
10 San Jose(ISV) (S) USA 4742.25*+174% 2258* 177* 0 197 0
11 Krasnoyarsk (S) Rus 4708.50 na 705 943 1729 5964 0
12 Los Angeles (L) USA 4522.00 -26% 448 1696 1640 4080 900*
13 Brahmapur (MS) Ind 4067.00*+724% 1089* 1585* 296* 624* 0
14 Cueramaro (S) Mex 3905.50*+747% 107* 284* 561* 12508* 0
15 Simhacalam (NJNK) Ger 3344.50 -40% 1263 655 327 0 0
16 Ahmedabad (M) Ind 3324.25 -6% 1316 0 277 1337* 580*
17 Kiev (L) Ukr 2952.00*+337% 568* 72* 2885* 1206* 0
18 Perm (M) Rus 2483.00* +66% 803* 341* 843* 458* 0
19 San Diego (M) USA 2461.25* +61% 447 1185* 427* 675 0
20 Salem (M) Ind 2454.75 -39% 870 81 0 247 1635*
21 Bhopal (S) Ind 2370.75* +53% 1089* 11 114* 499* 0
22 Porto Alegre (MS) Bra 2181.25 na 48 1083 22 3965 0
23 Centro Goura Nitai Bra 2181.25 +33% 48* 1083 22 3965* 0
24 Krasnodar (S) Rus 2161.75 -40% 248 524 2068 431 0
25 Chicago (S) USA 2070.75* +93% 577* 468* 466* 863* 0
26 Mexico City (M) Mex 2002.25* +38% 49 24 60 7401* 0
27 Sydney-North (M) Aus 1995.35 +43% 863 65 271* 265 26
28 Habarovsk (S) Rus 1739.90 na 242 468 905 1214 319
29 Buenos Aires (M) Arg 1731.75 -4% 91 102* 0 5791* 0
30 Atlanta (S) USA 1610.50 +3% 432 568* 357 0 0
31 Chandigarh (S) Ind 1603.75*+118% 451* 406* 338* 507* 0
32 Vellore (S) Ind 1564.25 +32% 640 28 0 215 562
33 Bhaktivedanta Mano Eng 1550.75 -35% 451 24 1224 51 0
34 Madurai (S) Ind 1432.00 -29% 704 13* 8* 28 0
35 London-Soho (M) Eng 1289.90 -19% 404 27 127 1562 9
36 Phoenix(MA) (S) Mau 1281.70* -48% 89 45* 42 4150* 2
37 Washington D.C. (M USA 1197.45 -17% 286 74 174 1299* 1397*
38 Kharkov (S) Ukr 1174.00*+139% 224* 23* 600* 1612* 0
39 Odessa (S) Ukr 1164.75 na 390 48 178 991 0
40 Laguna Beach (S) USA 1100.80 -19% 484* 6 6 420 188
41 Denver (M) USA 1063.20 +6% 328 180 48 780 82
42 New Orleans (S) USA 1045.50 +5% 2 0 570 3026* 0
43 Tirunelveli (S) Ind 1040.00 +36% 438 60* 3 410* 0
44 Dnepropetrovsk (S) Ukr 1014.25*+108% 247* 69* 227* 1351* 0
45 Philadelphia (M) USA 968.80 +36% 432 24 16 218 183*
46 Auckland Loft (S) New 855.50 -19% 57 550 19 728 0
47 BTG/ (S USA 840.00* +48% 0 0 0 0 1008*
48 Kaunas (S) Lit 827.00 +25% 151 286* 0 956 0
49 Bogota (S) Col 824.00 -30% 0 0 0 3296 0
50 Berlin (S) Ger 771.00 -53% 266 22 434 0 0
51 Bon Accueil (M) Mau 759.50* +40% 66 0 11 2488* 0
52 Toronto (S) Can 744.15 -39% 254 31 127 563 9
53 Vrajabhumi (S) Bra 712.25 -4% 13 52 30 2477 0
54 Santiago (S) Chi 704.25 -42% 43 12 441 1543 0
55 Dallas (M) USA 637.30*+198% 144* 159* 187* 382* 13
56 TBB TSKP (S) USA 631.25 -30% 150* 178 39 535 0
57 Alachua (S) USA 613.70 -24% 118 13 115 926 317
58 New Talavan (S) USA 572.50 -44% 242 8 111 100 0
59 Severodvinsk (S) Rus 566.00 na 132 187 154 152 0
60 Houston (S) USA 528.95*+167% 133 171* 3 361* 2
61 Kanyakumari (MS) Ind 512.85 -75% 204 40 20* 65* 101
62 Kishinev (MS) Ukr 508.25*+211% 61* 33* 438* 537* 0
63 Sarajevo (S) Bos 500.75* +86% 243* 7 13* 5 0
64 Nairobi (S) Ken 477.55 -15% 26 70 35 1341* 28
65 Franco da Rocha (M Bra 473.75*+133% 25* 139* 0 1139 0
66 Curitiba (MS) Bra 456.50 +18% 6 39 4 1614* 0
67 Munich (S) Ger 454.00*+999% 178* 0 196* 0 0
68 Tyumen (S) Rus 447.00*+379% 61* 63* 349* 350* 0
69 New York Queens (S USA 415.00 na 160 0 40 300 0
70 Itajai (S) Bra 410.80 -24% 7 9 16 1518 3*
71 Blagovestensk (S) Rus 387.50 na 118 124 1 108 0
72 Asuncion (S) Par 369.15 na 15 8 0 1321 9
73 Miami (S) USA 358.75 -9% 57* 39 25 633 262
74 New Vrajadham-Hung Hun 347.60 -54% 124 16 1 0 831
75 Donetsk (M) Ukr 313.25*+117% 103* 0 66* 297 0
76 N-Tagil (S) Rus 312.75*+116% 53 37 239 201* 0
77 Magnitogorsk (S) Rus 292.75*+237% 74* 94* 63* 77* 0
78 Durban (L) Sou 276.90 -58% 12 9 60* 852* 9*
79 Wellington (S) New 267.25 -18% 42 150 12 109 0
80 Berkeley (S) USA 262.75 -20% 39 24 197* 183 146*
81 Columbus (S) USA 260.75 na 70 71 33 133 0
82 Caruaru (S) Bra 250.40 na 18 9 99 622 4
83 Monterrey (MS) Mex 245.00 na 15 40 0 700 0
84 Melbourne (L) Aus 229.25 -47% 85 26 35 63 0
85 Baltimore (MS) USA 219.50 -80% 66 13 24 250 0
86 Sofia (MS) Bul 213.00 -75% 42 129 0 0 0
87 Hillsborough, NC ( USA 184.85 -45% 74 2 27 73 31
88 Vorkuta (S) Rus 183.00 na 31 52 75 126 0
89 Lvov (MS) Ukr 179.75 +26% 50 1 131* 53 0
90 Tucson (S) USA 168.55 -43% 24 53* 48 163 28
91 Rio de Janeiro (S) Bra 161.50 +17% 32* 2 1 380* 0
92 Simferopol (S) Ukr 143.75*+122% 52* 2 69* 13 0
93 Cape Town (S) Sou 136.00*+355% 2 4 0 512* 0
94 Vilnius (S) Lit 118.25 -55% 21 7 7 263* 0
95 Lutsk (S) Ukr 110.00 na 55 0 0 0 0
96 Rovno (MS) Ukr 102.75*+191% 26* 2 57* 81* 0
97 Accra (M) Gha 91.50*+120% 24 7 2 142* 0
98 Joao Pessoa (S) Bra 87.85* +54% 3* 0 4 319* 1*
99 Goloka Dhama (S) Ger 86.50 -30% 4 62 33 0 0
100 Lugansk (MS) Ukr 86.25 -24% 34 1 24* 21 0
101 Ljubljana (S) Slo 84.75 -65% 10 22 51 69 0
102 Vancouver (M) Can 80.35* +12% 19* 8* 36 59 16*
103 Blantyre (MS) Mal 78.25 +11% 35 1 0 29* 0
104 Montevideo (MS) Uru 69.75 -82% 1 0 0 271 0
105 Vinniza (MS) Ukr 66.00*+220% 27* 4* 9* 14 0
106 Khmelnitsky (MS) Ukr 61.00*+111% 18* 5* 38* 4* 0
107 German Congregatio Ger 59.00 -77% 21 10 14 0 0
108 Krishna Culture (S USA 57.50 -70% 8 8 43 48 0
109 Tiraspol (S) Ukr 56.75* +85% 9* 3* 17 109* 0
110 Zurich (S) Swi 50.75 -13% 14 9 24 7 0
111 Wiesbaden (S) Ger 47.00 -40% 7 15 36* 0 0
112 Arusha (S) Tan 41.75 -60% 0 20 34* 19 0
113 Goiania (MS) Bra 35.75*+127% 0 0 0 143* 0
114 Herson (S) Ukr 34.50 -70% 12 2 17 0 0
115 Stellenbosch (S) Sou 25.75 -14% 3 3 10 47 0
116 Guadalajara (S) Mex 25.00 na 0 0 0 100 0
117 Alchevsk (S) Ukr 20.00 -34% 10 0 0 0 0
118 Kisumu (S) Ken 17.50 -85% 0 9 14 6 0
119 Ivano-Frankovsk (S Ukr 14.50 na 4 1 11 0 0
120 Arkadelphia (S) USA 12.50 -23% 5* 0 0 10* 0
121 Cologne(Gauradesh) Ger 9.50 -44% 3 1 5 0 0
122 Port Elizabeth (S) Sou 7.00 -85% 0 0 1 26 0
123 Uzgorod (S) Ukr 5.75 -44% 2 0 1 5* 0
124 Chernigov (MS) Ukr 3.25 -86% 1 1 0 1 0
125 New Gokula-Brazil Bra 2.75 na 1 0 1 1 0
126 Uberaba (MS) Bra 2.00 -76% 1 0 0 0 0
(%)Change compared (*)New high
to monthly average this year
World Sankirtan Newsletter
April 2013
% M-Big Big Medium Small BTGs
Prabhupada Disciples Points Change Books Books Books Books Mags
1 Bhrgupati d LA USA 1593.00 +40% 116 1253* 192 48 0
2 Nidra dd Den USA 806.00 +21% 257 160 35 458 0
3 Drumila d New USA 598.00 -22% 2 0 500 1376* 0
4 Mohanasini dd New USA 548.50 -45% 238 0 109 72 0
5 Visala d Mia USA 181.50 -20% 26 0 0 428* 225
6 Jasomatinandan d Ahm Ind 43.75 na 20 0 4 7 0
7 Misra Bhagavan d Dal USA 22.00 na 2 4 23 10 0
(%)Change compared (*)New record
to monthly average for this year
World Sankirtan Newsletter
January thru April, 2013
% M-Big Big Medium Small BTGs
Country (Temples) Points Change Books Books Books Books Mags
1 India (22) 848161.20 +27% 305784 38999 52847 475938 265217
2 United States (27) 110934.90 +12% 30416 20823 22907 54502 18846
3 Russia, CIS (20) 99658.95 +45% 32294 13461 28527 29245 352
4 Italy (5) 25299.90 -31% 8705 0 15777 0 14
5 GermanyAustria (9) 21267.00+110% 8078 2589 5044 0 0
6 Brazil (18) 19573.65+475% 894 5529 3487 42027 64
7 Ukraine, CIS (19) 13016.25 -79% 3210 434 6806 11037 0
8 United Kingdom (2) 12430.40 -31% 3988 209 5467 6044 9
9 Mauritius (2) 11129.90 +71% 1275 107 727 32414 59
10 Mexico (4) 9999.75 +41% 326 601 1177 32633 0
(%)Change compared to Jan-Apr 2012
World Sankirtan Newsletter
January thru April, 2013
Points % M-Big Big Medium Small BTGs
Temples (size) (Months) Change Books Books Books Books Mags
1 New Delhi (L) Ind 209042.45(4) +140% 70396 2718 18800 192131 80997
2 Mayapur (L) Ind 128769.25(3) -37% 55692 3798 11353 19643 30000
3 Mumbai-Juhu ( Ind 121560.00(3) +44% 52980 2588 6374 39300 0
4 Tirupati (L) Ind 72292.90(4) -3% 25094 3407 1251 61194 22324
5 New Delhi(Pun Ind 64064.00(4) +188% 19341 752 7200* 65960* 29896
6 Pune (L) Ind 60064.95(4) +776% 25524 2332 2038 14955 15213
7 Moscow (L) Rus 50251.50(4) +38% 20071 4378 6440 10046 0
8 Vrindavan (L) Ind 49804.00(3) +87% 13370 16051 0 28052 0
9 Mumbai-Chowpa Ind 31279.95(4) +56% 9978 1650 1869 30709 8342
10 VV Nagar (M) Ind 25218.00(3) +78% 680 260 275 2312 54918
(%)Change compared (*)Better than
to Jan-Apr 2012 last year
World Sankirtan Newsletter
January thru April, 2013
Points % M-Big Big Medium Small BTGs
Individuals (Months) Change Books Books Books Books Mags
1 Gopisvar d Del Ind 2000.00(1) na 1000 0 0 0 0
2 Brajprasad Pun Ind 1265.75(2) na 450 163 27 757 0
3 Sakshiachy Pun Ind 730.00(1) na 365 0 0 0 0
(%)Change compared (*)Better than
to Jan-Apr 2012 last year
World Sankirtan Newsletter
January thru April, 2013
Points % M-Big Big Medium Small BTGs
Individuals (Months) Change Books Books Books Books Mags
1 Madhusunda Del Ind 45520.50(4) +194% 3642 1137 14588 108022* 28000
2 Bharadwaj May Ind 23014.50(2) +29% 11013 660 57 1200 0
3 Hara d Mum Ind 17387.00(2) +87% 8671 5 27 106 0
4 Damodara S New Ind 16415.70(4) +75% 2681 331 3570* 30930* 11140
5 Keshava Ba New Ind 16413.30(4) +194% 2680 331 3570* 30930* 11136
6 Nandananda Tir Ind 16360.25(4) +999% 5753 606 257 15563 1910
7 Tirtha Kri Tir Ind 16030.95(4) -29% 5463 539 313 16535 1921
8 Bhagavat A Mum Ind 15683.50(3) -33% 6601 469 621* 6808* 0
9 Ramrupa d Mum Ind 14200.00(3) na 7100 0 0 0 0
10 HH Jayapat May Ind 13000.00(3) +41% 6500 0 0 0 0
11 Bk Rakesh Del Ind 12589.50(4) -63% 1958 0 0 34694 0
12 Anupam Kri Mos Rus 11764.50(4) +297% 5778 4 298* 222 0
13 Puspa Gopa May Ind 9124.25(2) +47% 4430 70 14 749 0
14 Govind Mur Mum Ind 8243.75(2) na 2899 540 1392 4839 0
15 Gokuleshwa Mum Ind 7189.00(3)*+999% 3468 22 285* 354 0
16 Bhaktika d Tir Ind 7074.05(4) -2% 2525 437 0 6235 131
17 Rajendra G Tir Ind 7026.75(4)* na 2876* 266* 106* 3693* 154*
18 Paramesvar RVC USA 6508.10(3) +12% 2373 746 1752 22 1346*
19 Gour Mohan Nrs Ger 5906.00(3) +223% 2524* 517 682 0 0
20 Purush Bhu Mum Ind 5782.25(3)* na 2694* 0 100 1377* 0
21 Gokul Ranj Mum Ind 5695.25(3) +96% 2202 400 750 2065 0
22 Bk Biplab May Ind 5682.00(2) +12% 2753 29 35 518 0
23 Kamal Naya May Ind 5559.00(2) +218% 2751 18 41 74 0
24 Caitanya C Cen Bra 5471.50(4) na 68 2954 1889 5748* 0
25 Sundar Cai Mum Ind 5367.00(2) na 2666 0 0 140 0
26 Bhrgupati LA USA 5013.00(4) +102% 612 3044 724 1500 80
27 Sunder Gop Del Ind 4978.00(1) +999% 2489 0 0 0 0
28 Vallabha C Mos Rus 4931.75(4) na 1697 799 807 1341 0
29 Jagad Guru May Ind 4758.50(2) +127% 2367 22 5 0 0
30 Hemagiri d Mum Ind 4756.25(1) -53% 1471 382 732 4265 0
31 Shastra-kr LA USA 4614.50(4) +248% 1718 991 65 620 0
32 Sukhi Shya May Ind 4583.00(2) +51% 1995 151 461 846 0
33 Nitai Lila Cat Ita 4374.00(3) +1% 1667 0 2080 0 0
34 Madhukari RVC USA 4346.00(3) -46% 2173 0 0 0 0
35 Yoga Nrisi May Ind 4321.00(3) -8% 1753 169 921 742 0
36 Nava Gaura Tir Ind 4318.00(4) -78% 1411 640 188 3028 12
37 Gadadhara Cat Ita 4133.50(3) -25% 1596 0 1883 0 0
38 Bn Radhika Pan Ind 3998.75(2) -5% 1722 58 0 1987 0
39 Bk Kesava Tir Ind 3981.85(4) na 1648 125 34 2149 66
40 Bhupati Go May Ind 3879.25(2) -27% 1928 10 8 37 0
41 Jitu d Bra Ind 3798.50(2) na 919 1599 320 806 0
42 Krsna Rupa Cat Ita 3792.00(3) +11% 1478 0 1672 0 0
43 Narahari d Mum Ind 3718.00(1) +550% 1859 0 0 0 0
44 Vijaya Ven Tir Ind 3664.20(4) na 1087 223 129 4416 816
45 Nityadham New Ind 3615.00(4) +46% 480 0 0 2100 7620
46 Dvijamani RVC USA 3606.75(4) +9% 1093 1153 273 525 0
47 Mohanasini New USA 3552.50(4) +48% 1518 44 705 480 0
48 Madhava Pu Mos Rus 3545.00(4) na 1560 100 629 42 0
49 Advaita Kr Del Ind 3544.00(1) na 1772 0 0 0 0
50 Adhoksaja Niz Rus 3488.00(2) -55% 1744 0 0 0 0
(%)Change compared (*)Better than
to Jan-Apr 2012 last year