WSN November 2010 – World Sankirtan Newsletter

Prabhupada Book Marathon

By Vijaya das

Hare Krsna Prabhus,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I want to thank everyone for participating in the Prabhupada Marathon I have heard that there was great success throughout the world, we’ll see the results in three weeks or so.

Here is the November results in which it appears that New Delhi (Punj. Bag started their Prabhupada Marathon earlier than most temples, although they are a medium temple they were the number one temple in the world with 25,264.50 book points! They are 7,000 points ahead of the number one temple in the large catagory which is also in New Delhi, the Radha Parthasarathi Temple, which did
18,466 book points! What’s happening in New Delhi?! Is it becoming Hasinapura once again?

Now here’s a story from the Marathon in Czech Republic:

Srila Prabhupada’s marathon has just ended. As usual, it was full of mercy, both in terms of realizations and in the number of books distributed. When the marathon started, the first winter frosts came, yet we headed to the mountainous part of the Czech Republic. On the first day we were scheduled to go out on the street I was ill with a fever, but I felt I had to go out because I had been asked to teach a devotee doing traveling sankirtan for the first time that week. The day was hard — people refused me — but I prayed for mercy. All of a sudden a very interesting fellow appeared, and I approached him. At that moment I strongly felt that Krishna had taken charge of the situation, and my consciousness changed. The whole atmosphere seemed pervaded with a strong mystical quality. The boy said he had read “The Tibetan Book of the Dead” and began to challenge me, saying “How can the Bhagavad-gita be better than ‘The Tibetan Book of the Dead?’” I replied by pointing out the rarity and comprehensive depth of Bhagavad-gita. He finally came to the point of saying “I’m surely God.” I reacted by taking a Krishna book out of the pushcart, putting the book in front of his face, saying, “He is God and he is guru (pointing to “Srila Prabhupada Lilamrita”) who teaches us about Him!” Our strong discussion gradually ended. Finally, the guy carried off five books and some japa beads. I left him my contact numbers, asking him to write me after he’d read the books.

A few months later I received a text message: “With humility I must admit I am not God.” A few text conversations ensued. Then I decided to visit him near the place where we’d met. After all, along with the books he’d purchased some japa-mala, and for some time he’d been writing me to show him how to chant on them. At present he chants about ten rounds a day, follows the regulative principles, and regularly visits devotees. He is very inspired; his inspiration is obviously not a superficial sentiment but springs from a good understanding of the philosophy.

Your servant, Vaiyasiki das (BVS)

To see the results properly please click here:

             For complete results and to send in your scores
          go to (password: wsnhome)
            Deadline for scores is the 15th of the next month

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           W O R L D    S A N K I R T A N    N E W S L E T T E R
                               November 2010            1/01/2011

              For the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada this page
       contains the following results for the month of November 2010.

            World Totals                                 Page 2
            Monthly Congregation and Weekend Warriors    Page 2
            Monthly Continents                           Page 3
            Monthly Top Ten Temples by Size              Page 3
            Monthly Top Ten Temples by Continent         Page 4
            Monthly Top Ten Individuals by Continent     Page 5
            Monthly All Countries                        Page 6
            Monthly All Temples                          Page 7
            Monthly Top 50 Individuals                   Page 8
            Monthly All Prabhupada Disciples             Page 9
            Cumulative Top Ten Countries                 Page 10
            Cumulative Top Ten Temples                   Page 10
            Cumulative Top 50 Individuals Worldwide      Page 10

     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
     *              -- OFFERING TO SRILA PRABHUPADA --               *
     *                                                               *
     *    During the month of November 2010, 112 temples reported    *
     *    distributing the following number of books:                *
     *                                                               *
     *                    82,539 Maha-big books                      *
     *                    16,093 Big books                           *
     *                    26,670 Medium books                        *
     *                    76,764 Small books                         *
     *                    99,906 Magazines                           *
     *                     1,760 BTG subscriptions                   *
     *                       126 Full sets                           *
     *                                                               *
     *                   312,532 literatures for the month           *
     *                 4,117,500 literatures year-to-date            *
     *               477,565,427 literatures worldwide since 1965    *
     *                                                               *
     *                All glories to Srila Prabhupada!               *
     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

                         WORLDWIDE BOOK DISTRIBUTION
                        Total Literatures Distributed
 Books (Millions)
             X X       x
             X X       X
           X X X     x X X X             x X X _ x
         X X X X   x X X X X         x X X X X X X
     X X X X X X X X X X X X X     X X X X X X X X X                   x x X
   X X X X X X X X X X X X X X     X X X X X X X X X X _       x X X X X X X
   X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

1973  75  77  79  81  83  85  87  89  91  93  95  97  99  01  03  05  07  09

                         World Sankirtan Newsletter
                          CONGREGATIONAL PREACHING
                               November 2010

    Congregation and                   %   M-Big   Big  Medium  Small  BTGs
    Weekend Warriors         Points Change Books  Books  Books  Books  Mags

  1 WW Team ISV Week San USA13818.75*+266%  6041*   134     48   6315*    0
  2 WW Weekend Warri Pun Ind  472.60   na    146     36     48    466    41
  3 WW London WW     Lon Eng   93.75  -42%    12      7     72    107     0
  4 WW Toronto WW    Tor Can   53.95  -71%    11      6     14     75     2
  5 WW Dallas        Dal USA   47.00  -69%     8     15     22     20     0
                                    (%)Change compared        (*)New record
                                    to monthly average        for this year

                         World Sankirtan Newsletter
                             MONTHLY CONTINENTS
                               November 2010

                                % of  M-Big   Big  Medium  Small  BTGs Full
  Continent (temples)   Points  World Books  Books  Books  Books  Mags Sets

1 Asia (36)           132693.05  58%  52562   4019   4832  36015 93433  110
2 North America (21)   33999.65  15%  12283   2831   3359  16075  3016    9
3 CIS (29)             31381.15  14%   8840   5167   9238  12575  7714    0
4 Europe (11)          20762.50   9%   6499   2198   8234   2340  5453    3
5 Australasia (4)       6578.75   3%   2164   1318    616   2499     0    2
6 South America (5)     1840.75   1%     76    433    182   4439   550    0
7 Africa (6)            1196.75   1%    115    127    209   2821   300    2

                         World Sankirtan Newsletter
                          TOP TEN TEMPLES BY SIZE
                               November 2010

                                       %   M-Big   Big  Medium  Small  BTGs
                             Points Change Books  Books  Books  Books  Mags

      TOP TEN LARGE TEMPLES (41+ devotees)

  1 New Delhi          Ind 18466.65  +60%   8200*   208     58   2453 12164*
  2 Moscow             Rus 17358.50  +42%   4920   3340   4253   5280* 7320
  3 Tirupati           Ind 13456.70  -10%   4814    576    130   9072  9197
  4 Mayapur            Ind 11883.00  -63%   2905    339    805   2926 46000*
  5 Pune               Ind 11064.40 +109%   4918    103    104   2714  3949
  6 Mumbai-Juhu        Ind 10323.60  -38%   4454    352    861   2426   266
  7 New Vrajadham-Hung Hun  7593.15*+960%   2652*   697*  2566*   247  2474*
  8 Budapest           Hun  3826.10*+104%    746*   762   2748*     4  1971*
  9 Kiev               Ukr  1978.20  +49%    438     26   1289   1722    12
 10 Los Angeles        USA  1501.50  -84%     86    192    880   2580   525

      TOP TEN MEDIUM TEMPLES (21-40 devotees)

  1 New Delhi(Punj.Bag Ind 25264.50 +281%  11954     42    172   1274  5224*
  2 Salem              Ind  7135.10 +114%   3458     20     22    562   172
  3 VV Nagar           Ind  3606.25  -21%     52    181     46   4773  5052
  4 Baroda             Ind  1400.00  -36%    500      0    500*   400   120
  5 Denver             USA  1340.50*+115%    357*   323*   179*   518*  845
  6 Perm               Rus  1287.95   -3%    470     10    620*    75    92
  7 Milan              Ita  1160.00  -25%    149      0    929      0   954*
  8 San Diego          USA  1121.00  +12%    361    322      0    308     0
  9 Buenos Aires       Arg   893.75   -6%     51*   433    166   1103     0
 10 Hyderabad          Ind   731.25  -59%    230     48     62    769     0

      TOP TEN SMALL TEMPLES (6-20 devotees)

  1 San Jose(ISV)      USA 13818.75*+266%   6041*   134     48   6315*    0
  2 RupanugaVedicColle USA  8745.30   +4%   3614    835     93   2540*    8
  3 Bali               Ind  4132.35*+172%   1510*   278    521*  1785  1276
  4 Catania TSKP       Ita  3928.00  -54%   1857      0    428      0     0
  5 Auckland Loft      NZ   3466.50*+112%   1265*   540*   147   1292*    0
  6 Madurai            Ind  3268.00 +168%   1627      0      2     52     0
  7 Surat              Ind  3208.25  -10%   1017*    72    421   1117  1470
  8 Nizhny Novgorod    Rus  2895.90  +14%    835    955    235    568*  114
  9 Vellore            Ind  1935.00  +31%    900     10      0    100  1000
 10 Dnepropetrovsk     Ukr  1522.50  +51%    580      0    271    904    10

      TOP TEN MAHA-SMALL TEMPLES (1-5 devotees)

  1 Kanyakumari        Ind   926.95    0%    377     67      7     83   323
  2 Sofia              Bul   525.75   -9%    238     11      0    155     0
  3 Kishinev           Ukr   288.25  +48%     61*     7    254*   129     0
  4 Montevideo         Uru   255.00* -32%      0      0      0   1020*    0
  5 Bangkok            Tha   232.85  -22%     18     15     12     71  1581
  6 Boise              USA   194.00  -51%     97      0      0      0     0
  7 Vinniza            Ukr   137.50*+512%     45*    25*    24*    42     0
  8 Rovno              Ukr   129.50* +88%     22      0    171*     0     0
  9 Chernigov          Ukr    28.50  +54%     13      1      2      2     0
 10 Khmelnitsky        Ukr    24.50  -32%      8      0     16      2     0

                         World Sankirtan Newsletter
                        TOP TEN TEMPLES BY CONTINENT
                               November 2010

                                      %    M-Big   Big  Medium  Small  BTGs
                             Points Change Books  Books  Books  Books  Mags


  1 New Delhi(Punj.Bag Ind 25264.50 +319%  11954     42    172   1274  5224
  2 New Delhi          Ind 18466.65  +76%   8200    208     58   2453 12164
  3 Tirupati           Ind 13456.70   -1%   4814    576    130   9072  9197
  4 Mayapur            Ind 11883.00  -59%   2905    339    805   2926 46000
  5 Pune               Ind 11064.40 +132%   4918    103    104   2714  3949
  6 Mumbai-Juhu        Ind 10323.60  -31%   4454    352    861   2426   266
  7 Salem              Ind  7135.10 +141%   3458     20     22    562   172
  8 Bali               Ind  4132.35 +206%   1510    278    521   1785  1276
  9 VV Nagar           Ind  3606.25  -13%     52    181     46   4773  5052
 10 Madurai            Ind  3268.00 +195%   1627      0      2     52     0


  1 San Jose(ISV)      USA 13818.75 +302%   6041    134     48   6315     0
  2 RupanugaVedicColle USA  8745.30  +14%   3614    835     93   2540     8
  3 Los Angeles        USA  1501.50  -83%     86    192    880   2580   525
  4 New Talavan        USA  1434.00  +13%    585      0    528      0     0
  5 Denver             USA  1340.50 +137%    357    323    179    518   845
  6 San Diego          USA  1121.00  +23%    361    322      0    308     0
  7 St. Louis          USA  1087.25  +12%    447     61     34    449    30
  8 BTG/    USA   989.50  +17%    109     21     88     86   822
  9 New York 26 2nd Av USA   979.75   -7%     89    576    233    437     0
 10 Toronto            Can   963.30  +11%    278    196    163    516     8


  1 Moscow             Rus 17358.50  +60%   4920   3340   4253   5280  7320
  2 Nizhny Novgorod    Rus  2895.90  +26%    835    955    235    568   114
  3 Kiev               Ukr  1978.20  +63%    438     26   1289   1722    12
  4 Dnepropetrovsk     Ukr  1522.50  +66%    580      0    271    904    10
  5 Perm               Rus  1287.95   +9%    470     10    620     75    92
  6 Almaty             Kaz  1274.50  -56%    284    130    777    752     0
  7 Yaroslavl          Rus  1200.50  -19%    347    219    376    398     0
  8 Kharkov            Ukr   527.75  +27%     93      0    388    591     0
  9 Herson             Ukr   490.75  +40%    233      1     44      7     0
 10 Sochi              Rus   485.75  -72%      5    218    218    595     0


  1 New Vrajadham-Hung Hun  7593.15 +999%   2652    697   2566    247  2474
  2 Catania TSKP       Ita  3928.00  -48%   1857      0    428      0     0
  3 Budapest           Hun  3826.10 +124%    746    762   2748      4  1971
  4 Milan              Ita  1160.00  -16%    149      0    929      0   954
  5 Zurich             Swi   929.00 +285%    157    384    461      2     0
  6 London-Soho        Eng   728.50  -72%    161     26    539    444     0
  7 Rome               Ita   673.00  -61%    305      0    126      0     0
  8 Prabhupada Desh    Ita   626.00  -45%    195      0    427      0    54
  9 Karuna Bhavan      Sco   526.75  -60%     38    120      4   1315     0
 10 Sofia              Bul   525.75    0%    238     11      0    155     0


  1 Auckland Loft      New  3466.50 +133%   1265    540    147   1292     0
  2 Melbourne          Aus  1414.50 +202%    499    232     13    712     0
  3 Wellington         New  1131.00 +197%    333    382     10    312     0
  4 Perth              Aus   566.75 +281%     67    164    446    183     0


  1 Buenos Aires       Arg   893.75   +5%     51    433    166   1103     0
  2 Itajai             Bra   625.25   -2%     23      0     14   2069   550
  3 Montevideo         Uru   255.00  -25%      0      0      0   1020     0
  4 Lima               Per    56.75  -87%      0      0      0    227     0
  5 Vicosa             Bra    10.00  -83%      2      0      2     20     0


  1 Durban             Sou   591.60 +143%     80     31    104   1350   111
  2 Nairobi            Ken   349.75  -10%     24     53     60    875     0
  3 Cape Town          Sou   143.25  +47%     10     18      9    403     0
  4 Accra              Gha    54.15  -35%      0     16     20     37   189
  5 Mafikeng           Sou    48.50  +52%      0      5     16    142     0
  6 Blantyre           Mal     9.50  -58%      1      4      0     14     0

                         World Sankirtan Newsletter
                       TOP TEN INDIVIDUALS WORLDWIDE
                               November 2010

                                       %   M-Big   Big  Medium  Small  BTGs
    Individuals              Points Change Books  Books  Books  Books  Mags

  1 Damodara Sundar  New Ind15585.20*+999%  5756*    12     30    300  9540*
  2 Keshava Balaram  New Ind15028.70*+773%  5450*    20     30    500  9534*
  3 Bn Radhika       Mum Ind 6100.00  -30%  3050      0      0      0     0
  4 Bk Punit         Del Ind 4488.00 +105%  2244      0      0      0     0
  5 Nityadham d      New Ind 3594.00*+715%   700*    10     70    274  5130*
  6 Sadayogi d       Tir Ind 3274.50  +56%  1063    202     35   3396*  800
  7 Caitanya Sankirt Tir Ind 3189.25 +124%  1281    113*    51   1545* 1025
  8 Madhusundar d    Del Ind 2992.00  +36%  1496      0      0      0     0
  9 Hari Kirtan d    May Ind 2437.50  +17%  1195     12     55     32     0
 10 HH Sivarama Swam NVr Hun 2006.00   na   1003      0      0      0     0

                         World Sankirtan Newsletter
                               November 2010

                                      %    M-Big   Big  Medium  Small  BTGs
                             Points Change Books  Books  Books  Books  Mags


  1 Damodara Sundar  New Ind15585.20*+999%  5756*    12     30    300  9540*
  2 Keshava Balaram  New Ind15028.70*+773%  5450*    20     30    500  9534*
  3 Bn Radhika       Mum Ind 6100.00  -30%  3050      0      0      0     0
  4 Bk Punit         Del Ind 4488.00 +105%  2244      0      0      0     0
  5 Nityadham d      New Ind 3594.00*+715%   700     10     70    274  5130*
  6 Sadayogi d       Tir Ind 3274.50  +56%  1063    202     35   3396*  800
  7 Caitanya Sankirt Tir Ind 3189.25 +124%  1281    113*    51   1545* 1025
  8 Madhusundar d    Del Ind 2992.00  +36%  1496      0      0      0     0
  9 Hari Kirtan d    May Ind 2437.50  +17%  1195     12     55     32     0
 10 Sundarvar d      Pun Ind 1972.40  +59%   913      0      0      0  1464


  1 Madhukari d      RVC USA 2002.00  -24%  1001      0      0      0     0
  2 Paramesvara d    RVC USA 1866.00   -4%   738     72     29   1214     0
  3 Mohanasini dd    New USA 1434.00  +24%   585      0    528*     0     0
  4 Bk Sean          RVC USA 1244.75  +10%   544     45     17    413     0
  5 Bhrgupati d      LA  USA 1172.50  -27%   320    351      0    726     0
  6 Vishnujana d     RVC USA 1116.25  -13%   444    171     32    165     0
  7 Dvijamani Gaura  RVC USA 1062.75  -14%   391    257      0     95     0
  8 Nidra dd         Den USA 1052.25*+127%   329*   211*   139*   455*    0
  9 Prema Sankirtan  LA  USA  999.25  -12%   272    244      0    845     0
 10 Bk Ben           San USA  972.50 +265%   304    300      0    258     0


  1 Ambarish d       Mos Rus 1840.00   +5%   920      0      0      0     0
  2 Acharyaratna d   Per Rus  991.50   -6%   412      0    335*     0     0
  3 Jugala Kishor d  Mos Rus  970.00  +57%     0    970      0      0     0
  4 Smita Krishna d  Mos Rus  960.00  +14%   480      0      0      0     0
  5 Damodara Lila d  Kie Ukr  812.00*+229%   185      3    873*    10     0
  6 Radhika Ramana d Mos Rus  700.00  -32%   350      0      0      0     0
  7 Adhoksaja d      Niz Rus  664.00  -50%   332      0      0      0     0
  8 Titiksha Krsna d Mos Rus  640.00*+182%   320*     0      0      0     0
  9 Adhiyajna d      Niz Rus  595.50  -41%     0    594      3      0     0
 10 Sri Madhusudan d Mos Rus  499.00*+153%     0      0    998      0     0


  1 HH Sivarama Swam NVr Hun 2006.00   na   1003      0      0      0     0
  2 Vrajasundara d   Cat Ita 1112.50  -37%   551      0     21      0     0
  3 Gadadhara Prana  Cat Ita  845.50  -40%   413      0     39      0     0
  4 Nitai Lila d     Cat Ita  791.50  -53%   365      0    123      0     0
  5 Krsna Rupa d     Cat Ita  596.50  -54%   267      0    125      0     0
  6 Lila Madhava d   Cat Ita  582.00  -45%   261      0    120      0     0
  7 Caitanya Candra  NVr Hun  551.50   na    250     18     67      0     0
  8 Bk Corrado       Rom Ita  444.00  -48%   210      0     48      0     0
  9 Lokabandhu d     NVr Hun  443.00 +723%   157    105     48      0     0
 10 Tarun Krsna d    NVr Hun  402.00   na    125    126     52      0     0


  1 Bk Elliot        Per Aus  483.50*+380%    56*   119*   425*   160*    0
  2 Nanda Mandir d   Mel Aus  348.75*+547%   138*    54*     0     75*    0
  3 Gopa Vrndesh d   Mel Aus  241.75   na    110     12      0     39     0
  4 Kanapati d       Mel Aus  140.75*+129%    37*    48      0     75*    0
  5 Gaura Mantra d   Mel Aus   82.75*+184%    24*    18*     0     67     0
  6 Sammohini dd     Mel Aus   79.25*+151%    26*    17*     0     41*    0
  7 Ameyatma d       Per Aus   77.75  -46%     9     44     20     23     0
  8 Bn Sara          Mel Aus   77.25* +87%    31*     6      0     37*    0
  9 Sita Rama Laksma Per Aus    4.00  -57%     2      0      0      0     0
 10 Ananga Manjari   Per Aus    1.50  -87%     0      1      1      0     0


  1 Bk Dante         Mon Uru  154.50   +9%     0      0      0    618     0
  2 Bk Viriato       Ita Bra  136.20  -10%     5      0      2    470    77
  3 Premamayi Gauran Ita Bra  109.65  -32%     3      0      7    359   104
  4 Ekacakra Prana d Ita Bra   89.05  -48%     5      0      0    229   218
  5 Hara Kanta d     Ita Bra   52.70  -25%     2      0      2    182    22
  6 Krishna Madhava  Mon Uru   51.75* -39%     0      0      0    207*    0
  7 Lalita Kamala dd Ita Bra   44.60  -60%     1      0      0    162    21
  8 Raganuga Bhakti  Lim Per   40.00  -69%     0      0      0    160     0
  9 Bk Italo         Lim Per    8.25   na      0      0      0     33     0
 10 Tattvavit Goura  Lim Per    4.75  -92%     0      0      0     19     0


  1 Smart Table      Nai Ken  200.00*+164%     7     19*     9    650*    0
  2 Vaishnavi Sangh  Nai Ken  139.25  -64%    12     34     50    225     0
  3 Vibhu Caitanya d Dur SA   121.25*+243%    46*     9*    11     59     0
  4 Palika dd        Dur SA   113.50* +67%     0      0      0    454*    0
  5 Gopal Guru d     Dur SA    85.00  -13%     0      0      0    340     0
  6 Nikunja Seva dd  Dur SA    81.50*+142%    21*     2     50*    50*    0
  7 Gaurasundara d   Cap SA    66.00* +12%     0      0      0    264*    0
  8 Bk Ajit          Dur SA    50.00   na      0      0      0    200     0
  9 Bk Divesh        Dur SA    39.70   na      0      5     20     60    97
 10 Jayadeva d       Maf SA    37.00* +27%     0      5     10    108     0
                                    (%)Change compared        (*)New record
                                    to monthly average        for this year

                           World Sankirtan Newsletter
                                 ALL COUNTRIES
                                 November 2010

                                     %    M-Big   Big  Medium  Small   BTGs
   Country (Temples)        Points Change Books  Books  Books  Books   Mags

 1 India (19)            116651.80  -60%  46475   2735   3610  31268  85578
 2 United States (19)     32927.25  +10%  11987   2621   3147  15421   3007
 3 Russia, CIS (14)       24240.45  -33%   6832   4974   5907   7519   7692
 4 Hungary (2)            11419.25  +47%   3398   1459   5314    251   4445
 5 Italy (4)               6387.00  -17%   2506      0   1910      0   1008
 6 Ukraine, CIS (14)       5866.20  +35%   1724     63   2554   4304     22
 7 New Zealand (2)         4597.50  -12%   1598    922    157   1604      0
 8 Indonesia               4132.35   na    1510    278    521   1785   1276
 9 Australia (2)           1981.25  +64%    566    396    459    895      0
10 Kazakhstan, CIS         1274.50   na     284    130    777    752      0
11 United Kingdom (2)      1255.25  -68%    199    146    543   1759      0
12 Canada (2)              1072.40  -55%    296    210    212    654      9
13 Switzerland              929.00   +3%    157    384    461      2      0
14 Argentina                893.75  -37%     51    433    166   1103      0
15 South Africa (3)         783.35  +79%     90     54    129   1895    111
16 Nepal                    763.50  -79%    332     33     28    210      0
17 Malaysia (6)             720.00  -45%    102    173     88   1152    110
18 Brazil (2)               635.25  -58%     25      0     16   2089    550
19 Bulgaria                 525.75  -73%    238     11      0    155      0
20 Kenya                    349.75   na      24     53     60    875      0
21 Uruguay                  255.00   na       0      0      0   1020      0
22 Lithuania                246.25   na       1    198      6    173      0
23 Thailand                 232.85  -35%     18     15     12     71   1581
24 Peru                      56.75   na       0      0      0    227      0
25 Ghana                     54.15  -27%      0     16     20     37    189
26 Malawi                     9.50   na       1      4      0     14      0
                                   (%)Change compared
                                     to Nov last year

                         World Sankirtan Newsletter
                                ALL TEMPLES
                               November 2010

                                      %    M-Big   Big  Medium  Small  BTGs
    Temples (size)           Points Change Books  Books  Books  Books  Mags

  1 New Delhi(Punj.Bag Ind 25264.50 +281%  11954     42    172   1274  5224*
  2 New Delhi (L)      Ind 18466.65  +60%   8200*   208     58   2453 12164*
  3 Moscow (L)         Rus 17358.50  +42%   4920   3340   4253   5280* 7320
  4 San Jose(ISV) (S)  USA 13818.75*+266%   6041*   134     48   6315*    0
  5 Tirupati (L)       Ind 13456.70  -10%   4814    576    130   9072  9197
  6 Mayapur (L)        Ind 11883.00  -63%   2905    339    805   2926 46000*
  7 Pune (L)           Ind 11064.40 +109%   4918    103    104   2714  3949
  8 Mumbai-Juhu (L)    Ind 10323.60  -38%   4454    352    861   2426   266
  9 RupanugaVedicColle USA  8745.30   +4%   3614    835     93   2540*    8
 10 New Vrajadham-Hung Hun  7593.15*+960%   2652*   697*  2566*   247  2474*
 11 Salem (M)          Ind  7135.10 +114%   3458     20     22    562   172
 12 Bali (S)           Ind  4132.35*+172%   1510*   278    521*  1785  1276
 13 Catania TSKP (S)   Ita  3928.00  -54%   1857      0    428      0     0
 14 Budapest (L)       Hun  3826.10*+104%    746*   762   2748*     4  1971*
 15 VV Nagar (M)       Ind  3606.25  -21%     52    181     46   4773  5052
 16 Auckland Loft (S)  New  3466.50*+112%   1265*   540*   147   1292*    0
 17 Madurai (S)        Ind  3268.00 +168%   1627      0      2     52     0
 18 Surat (S)          Ind  3208.25  -10%   1017*    72    421   1117  1470
 19 Nizhny Novgorod (S Rus  2895.90  +14%    835    955    235    568*  114
 20 Kiev (L)           Ukr  1978.20  +49%    438     26   1289   1722    12
 21 Vellore (S)        Ind  1935.00  +31%    900     10      0    100  1000
 22 Dnepropetrovsk (S) Ukr  1522.50  +51%    580      0    271    904    10
 23 Tirunelveli (S)    Ind  1508.25 +116%    687      9*     2    497     0
 24 Los Angeles (L)    USA  1501.50  -84%     86    192    880   2580   525
 25 New Talavan (S)    USA  1434.00   +2%    585      0    528      0     0
 26 Melbourne (L)      Aus  1414.50*+174%    499*   232     13    712     0
 27 Baroda (M)         Ind  1400.00  -36%    500      0    500*   400   120
 28 Denver (M)         USA  1340.50*+115%    357*   323*   179*   518*  845
 29 Perm (M)           Rus  1287.95   -3%    470     10    620*    75    92
 30 Almaty (L)         Kaz  1274.50  -67%    284    130    777    752     0
 31 Yaroslavl (S)      Rus  1200.50  -35%    347    219    376*   398*    0
 32 Milan (M)          Ita  1160.00  -25%    149      0    929      0   954*
 33 Chandigarh (S)     Ind  1142.65  +10%    242    219    182    273   641*
 34 Wellington (S)     New  1131.00*+170%    333*   382*    10    312     0
 35 San Diego (M)      USA  1121.00  +12%    361    322      0    308     0
 36 St. Louis (S)      USA  1087.25   +2%    447     61     34    449    30
 37 BTG/ (S USA   989.50   +7%    109     21     88     86   822
 38 New York 26 2nd Av USA   979.75  -16%     89    576    233    437     0
 39 Toronto (S)        Can   963.30   +1%    278    196*   163    516     8
 40 Zurich (S)         Swi   929.00*+250%    157*   384*   461*     2     0
 41 Kanyakumari (MS)   Ind   926.95    0%    377     67      7     83   323
 42 Buenos Aires (M)   Arg   893.75   -6%     51*   433    166   1103     0
 43 Kathmandu (S)      Nep   763.50  -71%    332     33     28    210     0
 44 New Orleans (S)    USA   755.50   +5%     24      0    860   1110*    0
 45 Hyderabad (M)      Ind   731.25  -59%    230     48     62    769     0
 46 London-Soho (M)    Eng   728.50  -74%    161     26    539    444     0
 47 Rome (S)           Ita   673.00  -67%    305      0    126      0     0
 48 Prabhupada Desh (M Ita   626.00  -51%    195      0    427      0    54
 49 Itajai (S)         Bra   625.25  -16%     23      0     14   2069   550
 50 Ahmedabad (M)      Ind   613.25  -62%      0    386    149    611     0
 51 Durban (L)         Sou   591.60*+121%     80*    31    104*  1350   111*
 52 Perth (S)          Aus   566.75*+186%     67*   164*   446*   183*    0
 53 Kharkov (S)        Ukr   527.75  +15%     93      0    388    591     0
 54 Karuna Bhavan (M)  Sco   526.75  -64%     38    120      4   1315     0
 55 Sofia (MS)         Bul   525.75   -9%    238     11      0    155     0
 56 Herson (S)         Ukr   490.75  +27%    233*     1     44      7     0
 57 Sochi (S)          Rus   485.75  -79%      5    218    218    595     0
 58 Allahabad (S)      Ind   436.25  -37%    140     69     70    209     0
 59 Donetsk (M)        Ukr   406.25  +13%    109      3     67    607     0
 60 Nairobi (S)        Ken   349.75  -23%     24     53     60    875     0
 61 Kishinev (MS)      Ukr   288.25  +48%     61*     7    254*   129     0
 62 Nellore (M)        Ind   281.75  +14%      0     34     17    957*    0
 63 Montevideo (MS)    Uru   255.00* -32%      0      0      0   1020*    0
 64 Vilnius (S)        Lit   246.25  +47%      1    198      6    173     0
 65 Simferopol (S)     Ukr   241.50  -17%    101      0      6    146     0
 66 Novorosiysk (S)    Rus   240.00  +54%     60     60     70    100     0
 67 Dallas (M)         USA   235.50   -8%     36    122     60     46     0
 68 Bangkok (MS)       Tha   232.85  -22%     18     15     12     71  1581
 69 Kulim (S)          Mal   226.65* +50%     23*    44     32*   457    64*
 70 Malaysia TSKP (S)  Mal   222.35  -28%     40     23     47    381     6
 71 Kuala Lumpur (M)   Mal   204.50  -77%     30    100      2    158    40
 72 Boise (MS)         USA   194.00  -51%     97      0      0      0     0
 73 Chelyabinsk (S)    Rus   193.00  -72%     45     34      0    276     0
 74 Miami (S)          USA   189.40  -31%      8     19     49    394   314
 75 Jeleznogorsk (S)   Rus   186.60  +34%     27     60     61    160*   21
 76 Kazan (S)          Rus   160.25  -92%     59     22     30     21     0
 77 Cape Town (S)      Sou   143.25  +34%     10     18      9    403*    0
 78 Vinniza (MS)       Ukr   137.50*+512%     45*    25*    24*    42     0
 79 Rovno (MS)         Ukr   129.50* +88%     22      0    171*     0     0
 80 Lipezk (S)         Rus   111.00  +83%     33*    31     19     18     0
 81 Vancouver (M)      Can   109.10  -46%     18     14     49    138     1
 82 Tampa Bay (S)      USA    98.20  +13%      0      0     10    196   442*
 83 Honolulu (S)       USA    91.50  -79%     42      0     15      0     0
 84 Gita-nagari (S)    USA    90.00* +30%      0      0      0    360*    0
 85 Hillsborough (S)   USA    88.35  -31%     23     10     32     57    21
 86 Krishna Culture (S USA    87.25  -46%     31      2     38     17     0
 87 New Jersey-Edison  USA    80.00   -2%     37      4      0      8     0
 88 Lima (L)           Per    56.75  -88%      0      0      0    227     0
 89 Accra (M)          Gha    54.15  -46%      0     16*    20     37   189
 90 Severodvinsk (S)   Rus    49.00   na      12      2     19     14   100
 91 Mafikeng (S)       Sou    48.50* +37%      0      5     16*   142     0
 92 Zaporozhye (S)     Ukr    43.50  -75%     16      0     22      2     0
 93 Port Dickson (S)   Mal    43.25   na       0      6      7    135     0
 94 Odessa (S)         Ukr    36.25  -93%      0      0      0    145     0
 95 Voronej (S)        Rus    35.75  -75%     11     11      3      5     0
 96 Chernigov (MS)     Ukr    28.50  +54%     13      1      2      2     0
 97 Rybinsk (S)        Rus    24.75  -34%      3     12      0      9    45
 98 Khmelnitsky (MS)   Ukr    24.50  -32%      8      0     16      2     0
 99 Kluang (S)         Mal    18.00*  +9%      9*     0      0      0     0
100 Kaluga (S)         Rus    11.50  -66%      5*     0      3      0     0
101 Lvov (MS)          Ukr    11.25  +44%      5      0      0      5*    0
102 Vicosa (S)         Bra    10.00  -91%      2      0      2     20     0
103 Blantyre (MS)      Mal     9.50  -63%      1      4      0     14     0
104 Ipoh (S)           Mal     5.25  -95%      0      0      0     21     0
                                    (%)Change compared          (*)New high
                                    to monthly average            this year

                         World Sankirtan Newsletter
                               November 2010

                                       %   M-Big   Big  Medium  Small  BTGs
    Individuals              Points Change Books  Books  Books  Books  Mags

                                    (%)Change compared        (*)New record
                                    to monthly average        for this year

                         World Sankirtan Newsletter
                             TOP 50 INDIVIDUALS
                               November 2010

                                       %   M-Big   Big  Medium  Small  BTGs
    Individuals              Points Change Books  Books  Books  Books  Mags

  1 Damodara Sundar  New Ind15585.20*+999%  5756*    12     30    300  9540*
  2 Keshava Balaram  New Ind15028.70*+773%  5450*    20     30    500  9534*
  3 Bn Radhika       Mum Ind 6100.00  -30%  3050      0      0      0     0
  4 Bk Punit         Del Ind 4488.00 +105%  2244      0      0      0     0
  5 Nityadham d      New Ind 3594.00*+715%   700*    10     70    274  5130*
  6 Sadayogi d       Tir Ind 3274.50  +56%  1063    202     35   3396*  800
  7 Caitanya Sankirt Tir Ind 3189.25 +124%  1281    113*    51   1545* 1025
  8 Madhusundar d    Del Ind 2992.00  +36%  1496      0      0      0     0
  9 Hari Kirtan d    May Ind 2437.50  +17%  1195     12     55     32     0
 10 HH Sivarama Swam NVr Hun 2006.00   na   1003      0      0      0     0
 11 Madhukari d      RVC USA 2002.00  -24%  1001      0      0      0     0
 12 Sundarvar d      Pun Ind 1972.40  +59%   913      0      0      0  1464
 13 Bk Hari Prasad   Tir Ind 1966.05*+165%   898*    53*     5    447*   28
 14 Paramesvara d    RVC USA 1866.00   -4%   738     72     29   1214     0
 15 Mahamantra d     Del Ind 1850.00   na    925      0      0      0     0
 16 Sunder Gopal d   Del Ind 1850.00   na    925      0      0      0     0
 17 Ambarish d       Mos Rus 1840.00   +5%   920      0      0      0     0
 18 Udayananda d     May Ind 1603.75   -3%   628    175    106    479     0
 19 Mohanasini dd    New USA 1434.00  +24%   585      0    528*     0     0
 20 Hare Krishna d   Del Ind 1318.00   na    659      0      0      0     0
 21 Bk Sean          RVC USA 1244.75  +10%   544     45     17    413     0
 22 Bhagavat Ashraya Mum Ind 1204.50  +27%   566     10      0    250     0
 23 Bhrgupati d      LA  USA 1172.50  -27%   320    351      0    726     0
 24 Vishnujana d     RVC USA 1116.25  -13%   444    171     32    165     0
 25 Vrajasundara d   Cat Ita 1112.50  -37%   551      0     21      0     0
 26 Dvijamani Gaura  RVC USA 1062.75  -14%   391    257      0     95     0
 27 Nidra dd         Den USA 1052.25*+127%   329*   211*   139*   455*    0
 28 Brajvilas d      Pun Ind 1044.60*+192%   492*     4      4    158*  151
 29 Deen Bandhu d    Del Ind 1019.00  -18%   393    138     40    300     0
 30 Bk Nagaraj       Tir Ind  999.55  -16%   402     28      9    613*   98
 31 Prema Sankirtan  LA  USA  999.25  -12%   272    244      0    845     0
 32 Acharyaratna d   Per Rus  991.50   -6%   412      0    335*     0     0
 33 Bk Ben           SD  USA  972.50 +265%   304    300      0    258     0
 34 Jugala Kishor d  Mos Rus  970.00  +57%     0    970      0      0     0
 35 Smita Krishna d  Mos Rus  960.00  +14%   480      0      0      0     0
 36 Damodar Govind d Cha Ind  862.25  -31%   242    219    182    273     0
 37 Gadadhara Prana  Cat Ita  845.50  -40%   413      0     39      0     0
 38 Vamsi Gopinatha  May Ind  828.00   na    134     87    371   1150     0
 39 Shastra-krt d    LA  USA  820.00  +44%   375     69      2      0     0
 40 Damodara Lila d  Kie Ukr  812.00*+229%   185      3    873*    10     0
 41 Nitai Lila d     Cat Ita  791.50  -53%   365      0    123      0     0
 42 Guna Bhadra d    Del Ind  770.00  +86%   363     44      0      0     0
 43 Ramapriya Govind Tir Ind  707.30   -5%    73      3      0    214  5048*
 44 Bk Aidan         RVC USA  707.25  +16%   285      0     11    527     0
 45 Radhika Ramana d Mos Rus  700.00  -32%   350      0      0      0     0
 46 Jaya Narsimha d  Pun Ind  697.50  +94%   306     32*    17*   180*    0
 47 Murari Bhagwan d Pun Ind  676.00   na    338      0      0      0     0
 48 Adhoksaja d      Niz Rus  664.00  -50%   332      0      0      0     0
 49 Murali Govinda d Tir Ind  655.80  +26%   252     50*     4    304   238
 50 Ram Caitanya d   May Ind  655.25  -71%   294     12     55    111     0
                                    (%)Change compared        (*)New record
                                    to monthly average        for this year

                         World Sankirtan Newsletter
                            PRABHUPADA DISCIPLES
                               November 2010

                                       %   M-Big   Big  Medium  Small  BTGs
    Prabhupada Disciples     Points Change Books  Books  Books  Books  Mags

  1 Mohanasini dd    New USA 1434.00  +24%   585      0    528*     0     0
  2 Bhrgupati d      LA  USA 1172.50  -27%   320    351      0    726     0
  3 Nidra dd         Den USA 1052.25*+127%   329*   211*   139*   455*    0
  4 Drumila d        New USA  628.00   -4%    24      0    800    720     0
  5 Govinda Datta d  LA  USA  180.25  +13%    55      0     35    211     0
  6 Caitanya Candra  Dal USA  119.00   -6%     4     96     20*    20     0
  7 Cakri d          StL USA  102.75  -37%     5     48     24    131     0
  8 Kamalini dd      Hil USA   88.35   +8%    23     10*    32*    57    21*
  9 Dinashraya d     Hon USA   80.00  -56%    40      0      0      0     0
 10 Visala d         Mia USA   79.80  -22%     0      0      1    298    48
 11 Rohini-suta d    Zur Swi   75.00   na     30     15      0      0     0
 12 Vivasvan d       Tam USA   72.20  -16%     0      0     10    126   357
 13 Siddhavidya d    Mia USA   72.00   +5%     0     10     33     86   240
 14 HH Danavir Goswa RVC USA   34.00  -33%     2     30*     0      0     0
 15 Misra Bhagavan d Dal USA   16.50  +73%     3*     9      0      6     0
 16 Nartaka Gopal dd Mia USA    0.10  -97%     0      0      0      0     1
                                    (%)Change compared        (*)New record
                                    to monthly average        for this year

                         World Sankirtan Newsletter
                       TOP TEN COUNTRIES (CUMULATIVE)
                        January thru November, 2010

                                   %   M-Big    Big   Medium   Small   BTGs
   Country (Temples)    Points  Change Books   Books   Books   Books   Mags

 1 India (32)         1419182.00  -4% 487401   88172  104804  5451721041440
 2 United States (29)  359434.80 +17% 114353   52468   53492  167788  41206
 3 Russia, CIS (44)    282285.80   0%  68231   67915   93075   98094  68478
 4 Italy (7)           119020.10 -17%  48536       0   42687     144   2057
 5 United Kingdom (4)   72274.95  -8%  21901    9317   14700   46801    133
 6 Ukraine, CIS (20)    57228.95  -5%  16585    1720   17579   54067    327
 7 Bangladesh (13)      56212.45 -45%  23342    3692    2802    8097  24112
 8 Hungary (3)          37622.25  -8%   8101    4851   25852    4839  24335
 9 Germany/Austria (8)  33492.50 +10%   6457    9908   20768       0   2865
10 New Zealand (3)      26357.50 -45%  10249    2180    1204   12310      0
                                (%)Change compared to Jan-Nov 2009

                         World Sankirtan Newsletter
                        TOP TEN TEMPLES (CUMULATIVE)
                        January thru November, 2010

                        Points        %   M-Big   Big  Medium  Small   BTGs
    Temples (size)        (Months) Change Books  Books  Books  Books   Mags

  1 Mayapur (L)   Ind 329996.25(11)   +4%116967  12303  46172  58693 460000
  2 Tirupati (L)  Ind 163689.00(11)   -8% 65556   6431*  2206  57610* 95936*
  3 Mumbai-Juhu ( Ind 160923.45(10)  +31% 67825   4905  20262* 38259   6727
  4 New Delhi (L) Ind 133983.50(11)  -38% 47288   8287   5020  65884*121395*
  5 Moscow (L)    Rus 115122.50( 9)   +2% 30761  24715  32535  27040  58580
  6 Los Angeles ( USA  98244.75(11)  +30% 26861  19246  13875  67961* 13490*
  7 RupanugaVedic USA  92986.55(11)* +68% 36601* 13386*  4943* 15563    363
  8 New Delhi(Pun Ind  91555.25(11)   +1% 33406   6948*  5623* 35475* 40896*
  9 Vrindavan (L) Ind  90727.75( 9)  -16% 20834  24934      0  96333     84
 10 Catania TSKP  Ita  71962.70( 9)   -8% 31875      0  16425      0      2
                                   (%)Change compared        (*)Better than
                                      to Jan-Nov 2009             last year

                         World Sankirtan Newsletter
                       TOP 50 INDIVIDUALS (CUMULATIVE)
                         January thru November, 2010

                        Points        %   M-Big   Big  Medium  Small   BTGs
    Individuals           (Months) Change Books  Books  Books  Books   Mags

  1 Bn Radhika Mum Ind 75335.00( 9) +138% 35319     40   9208    188     60
  2 Keshava Ba New Ind 32241.20(11)* +97%  9838*  2770*  1917* 14858* 19929*
  3 Damodara S New Ind 28901.20(11)*+143%  9507*  1396*  1587*  9810* 20228*
  4 Bk Rakesh  Del Ind 27841.25(10)  -65% 13755    252     10    297      0
  5 Madhukari  RVC USA 25850.50(10)* +42% 11479*  2884     15      4      0
  6 Bharadwaj  May Ind 25794.25( 9)   -9% 12395    459*   952*   277*     0
  7 Madhusunda Del Ind 25026.00(11)  -50%  5910   4035   2741  31202      0
  8 Sadayogi d Tir Ind 24320.70(11)* +27%  9622*  1171    367  11610*  7760
  9 Paramesvar RVC USA 21397.50(11)  +12%  6722   4185*  3859*  7356      0
 10 Hemagiri d Mum Ind 20333.70( 7)  -22%  6938   1615   3126  12050   2672
 11 Ram Caitan May Ind 18771.25( 9)*+179%  8478*   540*  1195*  2711*     0
 12 Bk Punit   Del Ind 17604.25( 7)*  na   6410    738    353  15479      0
 13 Caitanya S Tir Ind 17420.55(11)*  na   7594*   475*   250*  3861*  6331*
 14 Bhrgupati  LA  USA 17269.20(11)* +75%  3794   6777*   495  10594*    82
 15 Hari Kirta May Ind 16979.75( 8)*  na   7873*   701    964*   203*     0
 16 Vrajasunda Cat Ita 15341.50( 9)   +6%  7071      0   2399      0      0
 17 Nitai Lila Cat Ita 14172.00( 9)   -7%  6322      0   3056      0      0
 18 Ambarish d Mos Rus 14062.00( 8)* +30%  7031*     0      0      0      0
 19 Vishnujana RVC USA 13876.90(11)* +67%  5742*  1878*   194   1638     84
 20 Deen Bandh Del Ind 13397.75(11)* +84%  5030*  1136*   875*  7057*     0
 21 Yoga Nrisi May Ind 13193.00( 6)*+177%  5133*   803*  3010*  2476*     0
 22 Prema Sank LA  USA 12290.30(11)  -11%  3691   2741     70   8190    848
 23 Dvijamani  RVC USA 12199.95(10)*  na   4547*  2426*   299   2117*    12
 24 Gadadhara  Cat Ita 12143.00( 9)    0%  5395      0   2706      0      0
 25 Mohanasini New USA 11804.50(10)  -19%  5036      0   3465      0      0
 26 Nitya Mukt Tir Ind 11514.30( 7)   na   4745    635    409   4332    999
 27 Udayananda May Ind 11477.50( 7)  +16%  4351   1225   1609*  2984      0
 28 Nava Gaura Tir Ind 11439.35( 6)   -7%  5630     42     14    123    996
 29 Bk Sean    RVC USA 11425.50(10)*  na   4503*   999*  1481*  2720*     0
 30 Krsna Rupa Cat Ita 11060.00( 9)*   0%  4562*     0   3872      0      0
 31 Ananda Vid NVr USA 10597.50( 9)  -15%  3776   1754   2373    420      0
 32 Bhagavat A Mum Ind  9767.35(10)  +24%  4338    113    359   3123*   181
 33 Adhiyajna  Niz Rus  9692.00(10)* +50%     0   9468*   438*    20      0
 34 Acharyarat Per Rus  9406.20( 9)   +3%  4489      0    672*     0    922
 35 Bk Hari Pr Tir Ind  8648.70(10)* +41%  4010*   198*    65   1356*   573
 36 Ramapriya  Tir Ind  8190.40(11)  -64%  1765     80    102   3516  32305*
 37 Nityadham  New Ind  8005.00(11)  -36%  1454    210    267   1322  16281*
 38 Radhika Ra Mos Rus  7940.00( 8)  -11%  3970      0      0      0      0
 39 Lila Madha Cat Ita  7931.70( 8)*  na   3519*     0   1787*     0      2
 40 Bipin Biha May Ind  7747.50( 7)   +5%  3497    341    476    698      0
 41 Kamalapati May Ind  7701.50( 9)* +41%  3594*     6    802*   426      0
 42 Gopeswar d Del Ind  7520.00( 5)   na   3250     75    210   3360      0
 43 Mahapuran  May Ind  7128.25( 5)  -26%  3204    229    480   1005      0
 44 Sacitanoy  LA  USA  7071.00( 9)  +40%   866   4691     59   2474      0
 45 Bk Nagaraj Tir Ind  6928.10( 6)   na   2956    195     55   2384   1558
 46 Smita Kris Mos Rus  6877.00( 8)  -16%  3286      0    610      0      0
 47 Bhupati Go May Ind  6696.50( 4) +437%  3241     56    224    186      0
 48 Bk Shrikan Tir Ind  6536.15( 5)   -4%  3180    102     31     81    365
 49 Neel Kanth Del Ind  6430.00(11)  -22%     0      0      0      0  64300*
 50 Purnananda May Ind  6286.00( 4)   -8%  2862    173    504    548      0
                                   (%)Change compared        (*)Better than
                                      to Jan-Nov 2009             last year

Author: admin

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