wwoofer’s get books

I was thinking about eating lunch when I stopped a cool young Canadian
couple: Evan and Nat. It turned out that they were working in the same apple
orchard as Dylan and Ti, who used to “wwoof” (Worldwide Opportunities at
Organic Farms) at the Bhakti Lounge.
After lockdown, Dylan and Ti had traveled to Wellington. And while they were
looking for a place to eat, they met Gokul Lila on the street. She invited
them to come to the Bhakti Lounge for a Soulfeast that Devamrita Swami was
speaking at. They were keen to meet him, as they both had read his book,
“Hiding in Unnatural Happiness.” They’d gotten the books on Queen Street in
Auckland. They were meant to leave for the South Island the next day but
extended their stay for three weeks to “wwoof” at the Bhakti Lounge in
Dylan and Ti had told Evan and Nat about the Hare Krsna center in
Wellington. Because of that, they were planning to come in January and
“wwoof” at the Bhakti Lounge themselves. They were excited to take all
of the books I offered them and to read them over the summer. (Our summer is
winter in the Northen hemisphere.)
We exchanged contacts and we hope to see them again in kirtan and doing
service at Bhakti Lounge in 2021.
Lord Caitanya’s mercy!
Your servant,
Saumya-mayi devi dasi